Today’s show is wide open. Our host Kerby Anderson will be bringing us the latest from the impeachment trial, and the other top news from around the nation and around the world. Then he’ll welcome Tyler Ellis in-studio. Tyler is the Associate Director of FriendSpeak at Let’s Start Talking. He and Kerby will talk about LST’s program to train churches around the country to help refugees and international students improve their English through conversational reading sessions using the Bible.
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After earning his bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies and spending the last two decades serving in missions and College Ministry, he now works for a nonprofit called Let’s Start Talking. As the Associate Director of FriendSpeak at LST, Tyler trains churches around the country to help refugees and international students improve their English through conversational reading sessions using the Bible.
A frequent guest on podcasts and radio shows, his insights have been featured in many popular blogs and websites, including,,, and
On a mission to dispel the misconceptions about Jesus and Christianity that keep people from knowing God and impacting eternity, Tyler’s ministry travels have taken him to South Korea, Australia, Samoa, Mexico, and Honduras.
Best-known for his TEDx Talk, “Jesus Is Not A Role Model” (aka: “Finding Meaning in Daily Acts of Good”), his speaking engagements include the Campus for Christ Conference, Pepperdine Bible Lectures, National Student Conference, and Lubbock Christian University.
Tyler was raised in Portland, Oregon, and now lives with his wife and three daughters in Fort Worth, TX.

FriendSpeak offers people something they want but have difficulty finding – a friend who will help them practice and improve their conversational English.