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left_flag Thursday, March 19
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Welcome to one of Point of View’s Millennial Round Table – hosted by Chelsey Youman on a Thursday! The Round Table today consists of Chelsey, Jonathan Teague, and Shane Pruitt. They will have two guests, Matt Krause, and then Richard Lim.

What are the issues that Millennials are currently concerned about? Listen in to hear a Godly point of view.

Please call in or post questions on Facebook! Our phone number is  800-351-1212 and the Facebook link is:

Chelsey Youman, Esq.
National Director of Public Policy for Human Coalition

Chelsey Youman, Esq., serves the pro-life coalition, as well as women and their preborn children, by advocating for pro-life policies and jurisprudence; mobilizing and unifying local grassroots to strengthen the pro-life movement and its footprint; and engaging with the public to ultimately strengthen our community’s desire to enable women and protect preborn children. Chelsey’s professional experience includes working as seniorRead More

Jonathan Teague Show Page
Jonathan Teague
Minister to Married Adults - Prestonwood Baptist Church
Jonathan Teague currently works as Minister to Married Adults at Prestonwood Baptist Church. He grew up a pastor's kid and felt a call to full-time ministry at 16. He previously worked as a Student Pastor in churches across DFW. He's received a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Communication and Leadership from Hardin-Simmons University and holds a Master's in Christian Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Currently, Jonathan is completing his Doctorate in Educational Ministry, with an emphasis on Leadership, from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has been married to his wife Michelle for almost 17 years and they have 4 children.
Shane Pruitt Show Page
Shane Pruitt, PhD
National Next Gen Evangelism Director - North American Mission Board (NAMB)
Shane Pruitt and his wife, Kasi, live near Dallas, Texas, with their five children. Pruitt has been in ministry for more than 17 years as a denominational leader, church planter, and traveling communicator. He holds a B.S. in biblical studies and a PhD in Christian counseling. Shane serves as Director of Evangelism for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. A popular blogger, Pruitt has written for Relevant, Christianity Today, the Christian Post, and other online journals. A video showing their children celebrating the surprise arrival of one of their adopted siblings went viral and the story was covered on ABC News and Inside Edition, as well as many other media outlets.
Matt Krause Show Page
Matt Krause
Texas Representative, District 93 - Texas House of Representatives
Matt was born in Tyler, TX, where his father was a youth pastor at Green Acres Baptist Church. He is a constitutional attorney, college professor of American history and government, and public speaker on America's Founding Fathers with Wall Builders. He also works in business development for Vista Bank.

Matt represents District 93 in Tarrant County. His district includes parts of Fort Worth and Arlington. During the 85th Session, Matt served on the Culture, Recreation, and Tourism and Land & Resource Management Committees.

During his time in the House of Representatives, Matt has been recognized for his stances on limited government, fiscal responsibility, traditional family values, and pro-life advocacy.

Matt and his wife, Jennie, reside in the Fort Worth area with their five children: Jeremiah, Hannah Sue, James, Gracie, and Ruthie.
Richard Lim Show Page
Richard Lim
Writer | Speaker | Blogger | Historian
Whether it's through his podcast, This American President, his appearances on the Stacy on the Right radio show, or writing for the Heritage Foundation's Daily Signal, Richard Lim loves talking about U.S. history and the lessons it offers for our nation's current issues. This passion also led him to serve at the White House and George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate and to discuss history during his multiple appearance on the Global Voice Hall's Washington Weekly YouTube show. He has a master's degree from Syracuse University and a bachelor's degree from the University of California, San Diego.
Who's Your One?
Who's Your One?
Who's Your One?
Imagine the impact if every Christian had ONE person they prayed for and shared the gospel with. Who are you committing to pray for?

Join 25988 others in praying for your One.
Okay, boomer. t-shirt
Not Designed for the Next Generation
By: Tony Morgan - - February 25, 2020 You can’t reach the next generation of young adults without being a church for young adults. That’s right. The 1990s called, and they want their Sunday services ...
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Abortion Access Threatened As Coronavirus Spreads
By: Melissa Jeltsen - - March 17, 2020 Last week, Joe Nelson, a physician who provides abortions in Texas, felt a tickle in his throat. Then he started coughing. His temperature soared. On Monday, at ...
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Why Are We In This Coronavirus Crisis?
By: Jim Geraghty- - March 16, 2020 As a country, we’ve got our hands full right now. But while we’re sitting in various forms of self-quarantine, we — and a lot of other people around ...
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Emergency Stimulus to Soar Above $1 trillion
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Biden Sweeps Sanders
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C. S. Lewis on the Coronavirus
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Shane Pruitt: Generation Z
By: Shane Pruitt - - September 5, 2019 Often, when you hear an “expert” speak or write about reaching a particular generation, it will inevitably be someone from an older generation. For example, you’ll have ...



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