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left_flag Thursday, March 24
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Today Point of View’s host is our own Kerby Anderson! Kerby’s guest in our first hour is Natasha Crain. They’ll be talking about her new book: “Faithfully Different,” her blog, and about secular influence on Christians.  In the second hour, Kerby welcomes Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein to discuss the friendship between Israel and America.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Natasha Crain Show Pag
Natasha Crain
Speaker | Author | Blogger | Podcaster
Natasha Crain is a speaker, author, blogger and podcaster whose passion is to help Christians think more clearly about holding to a biblical worldview in the midst of an increasingly challenging secular culture.

A marketing executive and adjunct marketing professor before she transitioned to the full-time ministry of writing and speaking, Natasha holds an MBA in Marketing and Statistics from UCLA, a BA in Economics from USC and a certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University.

She and her husband have been married 22 years and have three kids—a son and daughter who are 13 (twins) and a daughter who is 11. They homeschool and live in southern California.
Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture
In an increasingly secular society, those who have a biblical worldview are now a shrinking minority. As mainstream culture grows more hostile toward the Bible’s truths and those who embrace them, you’ll face mounting pressures—from family, friends, media, academia, and government—to change and even abandon your beliefs. But these challenges also create abundant opportunities to stand strong for Christ and shine light to those hurt by the darkness of our day.

In Faithfully Different, author and apologist Natasha Crain shares how you can live out your faith with conviction, discernment, and courage. You’ll be equipped to
* identify and respond to today’s most significant worldview pressures, such as cancel culture, secular social justice, progressive Christianity, deconstruction, virtue signaling, and more
* engage effectively with a world that ridicules biblical truths
* defend your faith from misguided influences and live as a bold witness for the Lord

As the standards of our day mutate and devolve, Faithfully Different will give you the insight and encouragement you need to believe, think, and live biblically no matter what you face in these turbulent times.
Yitzchok Adlerstein Show Page
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Director of Interfaith Affairs - Simon Wiesenthal Center
Rabbi Adlerstein is the Director of Interfaith Affairs for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the global Jewish human rights organization. Until his move to Jerusalem, he held the Sydney M Irmas Adjunct Chair in Jewish Law and Ethics at Loyola Law School.

Rabbi Adlerstein is the Founding Editor of and regular contributor to Cross-Currents, a popular blog of Torah and current affairs. Dozens of his essays have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the Huffington Post, the National Law Journal, and a host of Jewish and general printed and electronic media. He serves on the editorial boards of the Orthodox Union’s Jewish Action, and the online journal of community responsibility Klal Perspectives. He has been a long-time vocal advocate, in speaking to both Orthodox Jews and Christian, for strengthening the new alliance between all who take God’s Word seriously.

He has appeared on ABC’s 20/20, CBS National News, FoxNews, and radio stations across the US, including regular appearances on Christian radio. He has published on the Be’er Hagolah of the Maharal of Prague, and two volumes on the Slonimer Rebbe’s Nesivos Shalom. He assisted in the editorial review of Artscroll/Mesorah Publications’ edition of Ramban.

Rabbi Adlerstein received his ordination from the Chofetz Chaim yeshiva in New York. He is a summa cum laude graduate of Queens College, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa.

Prior to his aliyah to Israel, Rabbi Adlerstein lived in LA for close to four decades with his wife Reena. They have eight children, and are working on maxing out on grandchildren.
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson
Can’t Define a Woman
Jackson is essentially saying it’s above her philosophical pay grade to make a distinction that is bound to come up before the Court.
pile of money $1s & $5s
Long Inflation and Politics
The chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, delivered a speech that could reverberate through the next two election cycles.
CDC Headquarters
Selectively cherry-picking ‘The Science’ to suit a political narrative is not ‘Following the Science.’ It is malpractice and fraud.




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