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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Kerby Anderson, Point of View Radio Host welcomes Scott Lively, author and candidate for Governor of Massachusetts. Then Kerby will talk to Dr. Darrell Bock about the upcoming 70th anniversary of the state of Israel and Darrell’s new book “Israel, The Church, and the Middle East“. Kerby’s other topic is the U.S.’s withdrawl from the Iranian nuclear deal.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Dr. Scott Lively Show Page
Dr. Scott Lively
attorney, pastor, author, gubernatorial candidate - State of Massachusetts
Dr. Scott Lively is a constitutional law attorney and a pastor who is running for Governor of Massachusetts as a Republican. A thirty-year missionary to the global pro-family movement, Dr. Lively has advanced the biblical worldview as a solution to social and political problems through all 50 US states and 58 foreign countries. He holds a Juris Doctor of Law (J.D.) from Trinity Law School and a Doctorate in Theology (Th.D.) from the School of Bible Theology of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God, as well as a Certificate in International Human Rights from the University of Strasbourg. He is running as a staunchly conservative Christian and populist in the most liberal state in the union, against a man touted by the leftist press as "the Most Popular Governor in America" and the most liberal Republican governor in America. Dr. Lively shocked the political establishment by winning almost a third of the delegates in the Mass GOP Convention on April 28th. He will have been married to his wife, Anne, for 38 years this June and has four sons and eight grandchildren.
Scott Lively – Massachusetts
Scott Lively – Massachusetts
By: Dr. Scott Lively - WHY I’M RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS Massachusetts is the very root of America, where the seed of Christianity was first planted and began to thrive; the birthplace of ...
Darrell Bock Show Page
Darrell Bock, Ph.D.
theologist, author, Executive Director, Senior Research Professor - the Hendricks Center & Dallas Theological Seminary
Darrell Bock (Ph.D., University of Aberdeen, Scotland) is the Executive Director for Cultural Engagement at the Hendricks Center and Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He has authored or edited over 40 books in theological and cultural areas, including many tied to NT studies, Israel and reconciliation.
Israel, The Church, and the Middle East
The relationship between the church and Israel has been the source of passionate debate among Christians throughout much of church history. In recent years the traditional pro-Israel stance of evangelicals has come under fire by those who support the Palestinian cause, calling for a new perspective and more nuanced approach by Christians who believe that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people by virtue of God’s covenants and promises.

Israel, the Church, and the Middle East challenges the supersessionist drift of the modern church, showing that God retains a plan and purpose for the Jewish people while also addressing a number of the divisive issues raised by authors critical both of Israel and of those who affirm Israel's right to the land. The book explores the hermeneutics and wider effects of the conflict, such as the growing antipathy within the church toward the evangelization of the Jewish people. It provides readers with an objective and interdisciplinary treatment, which is irenic and respectful in tone.

The book is directed toward pastors, global Christian leaders, theological students, and well-read lay Christians who are actively seeking guidance and resources regarding the Middle East conflict. The contributors represent a broad evangelical spectrum.
Trump signs reversal of JOCPA - Iran
After the Iran Deal
By: The Editorial Board - - May 9, 2018 Trump can exit because Obama never built U.S. support for the pact. President Trump on Tuesday withdrew the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal, rightly ...
U.S. President Donald Trump reacts to a question from the media after announcing his intention to withdraw from the JCPOA Iran nuclear agreement at the White House in Washington
Iran Deal: Now What?
By: David French - - May 9, 2018 Withdrawing from the JCPOA was easy. Now comes the hard work of crafting and implementing a better strategy for dealing with Tehran. One of the worst, ...



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