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left_flag Thursday, May 25
Thursday, May 25, 2023

Host Kerby Anderson, welcomes Scott Phillips, the Chief Executive Officer of Passages. He will join Kerby to talk about Jewish American Heritage Month.

Kerby’s other guest is social worker Jessica Manfre. She has a new book, Never Alone.

An informative show, in between his guests, Kerby shares today’s news. We hope you’ll enjoy it, too! Join us by calling or posting on facebook. Phone: 800-351-1212 or Facebook at

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Scott Phillips Show Page
Scott Phillips
Chief Executive Officer - Passages
Scott Phillips serves as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Passages. Prior to joining Passages in 2015, Scott was the Midwest Outreach Director for AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). During his tenure with AIPAC, Scott organized both grassroots and grasstops coalitions in the Christian leadership community and spoke regularly on topics related to the US-Israel relationship. Scott lived for three years in Israel with his wife Ashley, serving as the Christian travel brand manager for Da’at Educational Expeditions. Prior to living in Israel, he served as a staff pastor in a local church in the Dallas area.

Scott is passionate about connecting next generation Christian leaders with the deep biblical roots of their faith and introducing them to the people and places of Israel. Scott received his Diploma in Practical Theology and Youth Ministry from Christ for the Nations Institute, his B.A. in Christian Ministry and Business Administration from Dallas Baptist University, and is now working to complete his MBA from the University of Illinois. Scott and Ashley have two daughters and currently reside in the Dallas, TX area.
Jessica Manfre Show Page
Jessica Manfre
Social Worker | Author | CFO & Co-Founder - Inspire Up - serving the military & first responders
Jessica Manfre is a licensed social worker, author, and Chief Financial Officer and co-founder of Inspire Up, a nonprofit foundation that serves the military and first responders. She has also received national media attention for her initiative, #GivingTuesdayMilitary, which encourages people to offer one million acts of intentional kindness.She holds a Master of Social Work from the University of Central Florida and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Northwestern State University. Jessica is the proud wife of U.S. Coast Guardsman Scott Manfre and mama to their two children, Anthony and Raegan and lives near Norfolk, VA.
Never Alone: Ruth, the Modern Military Spouse, and the God Who Goes With Us
Faraway lands, fear, and faith—Ruth paves the way for our story.

One day when author and military spouse Jessica Manfre was reading the book of Ruth, she had an epiphany. Ruth is the story of every military spouse.

Join Jessica in studying a story that was meant for you. Jessica explores topics like the fundamental need for connection, the clinical mental health implications of loneliness, preparing your heart for loss (she writes from experience), friendship, and much more. This resource is for every military spouse who desires to strengthen relationships, live in authentic community, and walk with God.
Biden and US Seal
Debt Ceiling and Working the Refs
In the latest debt ceiling development as a potential default looms, President Joe Biden's White House aides are busy, not negotiating, but engaging in an entitled — and rather ungrateful — complaint campaign against the ...
FL Govenor Ron Desantis
Travel Advisory Politics
Recently, the NAACP issued what it calls a "formal travel advisory" to warn black Americans against visiting Florida. "Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals," the group said.
LA Dodgers Team at Dodgers Stadium
Dodgers and Anti-Catholicism
By: The Editors - - May 24, 2023 When businesses celebrate various identity groups among their customers and employees, it can easily descend into cloying and opportunistic pandering. But it is mostly harmless, in ...
People with shields protecting piggy bank - graphic
Pensions and Climate Politics
By: The Editorial Board - - May 23, 2023 This could be a significant test of politicized investment by public pensions. New York law and regulation impose strict fiduciary duties on trustees of such ...




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