Host Kerby Anderson, welcomes Scott Phillips, the Chief Executive Officer of Passages. He will join Kerby to talk about Jewish American Heritage Month.
Kerby’s other guest is social worker Jessica Manfre. She has a new book, Never Alone.
An informative show, in between his guests, Kerby shares today’s news. We hope you’ll enjoy it, too! Join us by calling or posting on facebook. Phone: 800-351-1212 or Facebook at

Scott is passionate about connecting next generation Christian leaders with the deep biblical roots of their faith and introducing them to the people and places of Israel. Scott received his Diploma in Practical Theology and Youth Ministry from Christ for the Nations Institute, his B.A. in Christian Ministry and Business Administration from Dallas Baptist University, and is now working to complete his MBA from the University of Illinois. Scott and Ashley have two daughters and currently reside in the Dallas, TX area.

One day when author and military spouse Jessica Manfre was reading the book of Ruth, she had an epiphany. Ruth is the story of every military spouse.
Join Jessica in studying a story that was meant for you. Jessica explores topics like the fundamental need for connection, the clinical mental health implications of loneliness, preparing your heart for loss (she writes from experience), friendship, and much more. This resource is for every military spouse who desires to strengthen relationships, live in authentic community, and walk with God.