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left_flag Thursday, September 26
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Kerby Anderson leads today’s show. His first guest is Kim Till. She’s the Senior Vice President for Advancement at Dallas Theological Seminary and she joins him to share DTS’s 100th anniversary. Then Kerby speaks with Penna Dexter. She joins him in the studio. They’ll talk about the history of Point of View and our ongoing Mission. Kerby’s co-host this week is Collin Lambert.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Kim Till Show Page
Kim Till
Senior Vice President for Advancement - Dallas Theological Seminary
Kim Till has been privileged to be a member of the Dallas Theological Seminary staff since 1996. She serves in dual roles giving oversight to institutional resources development as well as the estate and charitable gift planning services offered by the Dallas Seminary Foundation. In both roles Kim says she is honored to serve the supporters of the Seminary who give to help reduce the financial burdens faced by students.

Kim has devoted her 40-year career to working for charitable organizations. She began as a public relations director at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri and has served as a development director for a secondary school and a social service agency as well as an assistant vice president for development with the Baylor Health Care System Foundation in Dallas, Texas. She was also a consultant with Cargill Associates in Fort Worth, Texas directing capital campaigns and providing general fund raising counsel nationally.

Kim is a native of Florida and has been certified as a fund raising professional (CFRE) since 1987 with the Association of Fund Raising Professionals (AFP) and is a speaker and seminar leader for AFP as well as the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). Kim and her husband Ray have two adult children and 3 precious grandchildren.
DTS - 100 years photos from the past
Dallas Theological Seminary – 100 years
DTS Celebrates 100 Years of Teaching Truth and Loving Well
Penna Dexter Show Page
Penna Dexter
Columnist | Co-Host - Point of View Radio Talk Show
Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network.

Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight years she served as Marlin Maddoux’s co-host on Point of View and for two years she co-hosted a daily drive time live broadcast on the Dallas-based Criswell Radio Network.

Penna served a term on the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. She served for three years as a Texas Area Director for Concerned Women for America and for ten years on the Executive Advisory Board for Golden Corridor Republican Women’s Club in Dallas, Texas.

Penna’s interest in conservative politics and the issues that affect the family began when she was a child working on political campaigns with her parents. She graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in International Relations. She spent 8 years in the banking industry. She and her husband Todd have three children and nine grandchildren. They attend Christ Church in Plano, Texas. Penna serves on the church’s vestry.
Collin Lambert Show Page
Collin G. Lambert
President & Founder Lambert Creative Media - Host and Producer of Missions Today
Collin G. Lambert is the founder and president of Lambert Creative Media. Collin is also the host and producer of Missions Today, a 26-minute weekly program focused on mission - getting involved in God's work and movement wherever it occurs. Each week he unveils stories of missions from the neighborhood front porch to the front lines of mission activity around the world - individual, organizational, entrepreneurial, inspirational.

Collin served as Vice President of Moody Radio, the media arm of the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, from 2010-2018. Moody Radio owns/operates 37 stations (English and Spanish) covering 15 states, and Canada, a Christian broadcast network, plus numerous online only stations. Collin served with Moody for over 15 years in total. In his role at Moody, he also planned, executed and instructed numerous international media training events in Africa and Eastern Europe.

In addition to his duties with Lambert Creative Media, Collin currently serves on the Board of Directors of the National Religious Broadcasters and is an afternoon announcer on The Bridge Austin (AM1120/101.1FM) . Collin and his wife, Patti, have three grown children, and live in their hometown of Austin, Texas.
College Campus Revival
Will Recent Campus Revivals Spill Over to the Nation?
'We are in serious need of serious change in this country' There are reports from CBN News just recently about potential revivals going on at a few colleges.
VP Kamala Harris head shot
Harris Wants Filibuster Gone
By: The Editorial Board - - September 24, 2024 She wants to remove the biggest obstacle to one-party progressive rule. Kamala Harris is still keeping most of her agenda incognito, but she gave a ...
9 justices of US Supreme Court 2024
Threats Against Supreme Court Justices
Last week the Department of Justice announced the arrest of an Alaska man for threatening to kill six Supreme Court Justices.
VP Harris Gestures with hands
Top Business School Obliterates Kamala’s Economic Claim
Kamala Harris told America on debate night that Goldman Sachs and the Wharton School of Business said her economic plan is better than Trump’s. Both Goldman and Wharton have now come out and said that ...




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