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left_flag Tuesday, April 9
Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Welcome to our Tuesday show with host Kerby Anderson. His first guest is Sy Garte. Sy brings us his book, Science and Faith in Harmony. They’ll discuss the grand design of life on Earth, the eclipse, and our universe. In the second hour, with wisdom and insight, Kerby gives an update on the issues that affect us.

It’s a jam-packed show!

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Sy Garte Show Page
Sy Garte, PhD
Biochemist | Professor | Author | Editor - Vice President, DC chapter of American Scientific Affiliation.
Sy Garte, Ph.D. is a biochemist and has been a professor at New York University, University of Pittsburgh, and Rutgers University. He has authored over two hundred scientific publications and four previous books and has served as division director at the National Institutes of Health. Sy is also the editor in chief of God and Nature magazine and vice president of the Washington, DC, chapter of the American Scientific Affiliation. He is a lay leader in the United Methodist Church.
Book Cover dark - Science and Faith in Harmony
Sy Garte - YouTube Channel
Please subscribe to this channel, which is now my main YouTube channel. You will find videos from Faithful Syence (my previous channel) and selected videos of my interviews, talks, and appearances. God bless.
Book Cover - Science and Faith in Harmony
Science and Faith in Harmony: Contemplations on a Distilled Doxology
Rather than discord between science and Christian faith, there is a harmony as grand as any choral masterpiece
The idea that Christianity and science are inextricably in conflict is a relatively recent conception. However, with each new scientific discovery and scriptural insight, it’s an idea that’s being proved to be insupportable.
Sy Garte has immersed himself in both science and faith and knows they work beautifully together to sing of the greatness of God. Now this respected scientist shares how God's world (nature and science) and God's word (made flesh in Christ) are bound together in loving harmony.
In Science and Faith in Harmony, Garte examines modern scientific concepts and what they can teach us about theological truths, such as the dual nature of Christ. He explores the ways in which the terminology and language of science and faith consistently match each other. Despite his deep dives into theology and science, Garte does not get overly technical in his writing. Instead, he is personal and passionate, speaking directly to readers with a tone of joy and wonder, inviting them to join the chorus of praise to the Lord.
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