On Point of View today, Kerby speaks with Daniah Greenberg. Daniah will join Kerby in the Studio. They’ll be talking about Tree of Life Ministries. In the second hour, we hear from author, Dr. David Murray. He is the author of The Happy Christian: Ten Ways To Be a Joyful Believer in a Gloomy World. He is also professor of Old Testament and Practical Theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and pastor of the Free Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, MI.
We look forward to hearing your perspective, give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post a question on facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Daniah, the wife of Messianic Rabbi Mark Greenberg, is warmly referred to as the “#BibleLady.” Her sharp focus on fulfilling the dream of a meeting the needs of young interfaith families comes from the story of her own faith journey.
Like many other Messianic Jewish leaders in America, Rabbi Mark and Daniah have pastored flocks, led conferences, written curriculum, celebrated Jewish holidays and taught from the Bible for decades. Now, we celebrate with our community - that the Tree of Life Version (TLV) is literally a fulfillment of the original call of God on the Jewish people to steward the Holy Scriptures and again carry the Ark of the Covenant to “be a blessing” to the world.
Rabbi Mark and Daniah model a “presence-driven” Messianic Jewish Lifestyle that invites the Spirit of God INTO THE MIDST of their family on a regular and enduring basis. Sharing how to celebrate Shabbat at home by ushering in God’s presence through worship and focusing on reading the TLV Family Bible together for wisdom, direction and SHALOM AT HOME is their life’s dream.

A Christian’s Guide to Mental Illness answers 30 commonly asked questions about mental health from a Christian perspective. Intended for caregivers, this accessible resource will equip family, friends, and churches with wisdom for caring for individuals with mental health illnesses. Authors David Murray and Tom Karel use a holistic approach as they share personal stories, professional expertise, and biblical wisdom to tackle difficult questions―ultimately providing hope for the hopeless and rest for the weary.