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left_flag Tuesday, February 2
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

In the first hour, our host, Kerby Anderson, share his perspective on the top stories of the day. Then Kerby is excited to welcome Janice Rosser Allen, CEO and President of ICM. Their topic is ICM and the global Church in the age of the Pandemic. Kerby’s other guests are Tom & JoAnn Doyle who will join him in studio to talk about ministering Jesus to the people of Iran and about their book, “Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World.”

And, please, call us with your opinion at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Janice Rosser Allen Show Page
Janice Rosser Allen
CEO & President - ICM
Janice has been an ICM board member since the ministry's inception twenty-five years ago. In 2002, she became involved with strategic planning, operations, and development and had been ICM Executive Chair since 2008. In 2006, she took the leadership role of CEO and President. And in 2018, Janice wrote, God in the Crossroads: Signs of Hope, co-authored by Ellen Vaughn.
Janice thrives when helping others. Meeting with women all over the world, Janice saw that they were just like her. They are concerned about their children, their husbands, and having a warm and inviting home for their family and friends. In April 2020, Janice started the Women's Initiative, a place where women can minister to women through ICM. And she hosts the Women's Coffee & Conversation on Facebook.
Janice continues to be passionate about sharing the amazing stories of how God is working around the world to transform lives and change nations for Jesus Christ and his Church. Through ICM, she is living and sharing these stories every day.
As a volunteer, Janice served as an Elder at Third Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Va. and Chair of the Adult
Committee for Young Life, Richmond. She has three grown sons, all married, and six wonderful grandchildren.
Tom Doyle Show Page
Tom Doyle
Author | Evangelist | President & Founder - Uncharted Ministries
Tom Doyle is the president and founder of Uncharted
Ministries, which seeks to inspire the Body of Christ to
rise up and join the new great awakening among
Jews and Muslims in the Middle East and in uncharted
territories around the world.
Tom graduated from Biola College in 1979 and Dallas Theological Seminary in 1983 and is a licensed guide for the State of Israel, having led more than 80 trips. After pastoring churches in Colorado, Texas and New Mexico for 20 years, he began working full-time in the Middle East in 2001.
Additionally, Tom is a master storyteller with several books highlighting God’s miraculous work among the Muslim people.
His most recent endeavor is a new book co-authored with his wife, “Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World,” releasing January 2021, which reveals true stories of women in the Middle East who have given their lives to Jesus and left Islam.
JoAnn Doyle Show Page
JoAnn Doyle
Speaker | Author | TV Host of Flourish - Founder & president of Not Forgotten
JoAnn Doyle served as a pastor’s wife and mother to six before God called her family to work full-time in the Middle East in 2001. There, she was surprised to discover a passion in her spirit for Muslim women, which led her to launch the ministry of which she is founder and president, Not Forgotten.
The Not Forgotten team has ministered in Israel, Egypt, Gaza, The West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon, Afghanistan, India, Korea and the U.S. The ministry reaches out to all women of the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia but is specifically called to reach Muslim women with the love of Christ.
In 2017, JoAnn joined her husband Tom in launching Uncharted Ministries, which calls believers to join God’s great harvest field among Jews and Muslims. She is also a regular guest on national radio programs. She also contributed to the book “Breakthrough – The Return of Hope to the Middle East” written by her husband,
Recently, JoAnn was invited to host “Flourish,” a brand new women’s TV program broadcasting the name of Jesus into Iran, home of the fastest-growing church per capita, which is predominantly led by women.
Her latest endeavor is a new book co-authored with Tom, “Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World,” which reveals true stories of women in the Middle East who have given their lives to Jesus and left Islam.
Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World
For the first time ever Tom Doyle, popular author and pastor to the unreached, is joined by his wife and ministry partner, JoAnn, to explore the incredible work of God in the hearts and lives of women in the Muslim world.

Despite enormous risks to themselves and their families, former Muslim women are now influencing their husbands and their children and bringing others to faith in Jesus Christ. No matter where they live, these women are the God-ordained spiritual gatekeepers of their families.
Global Church and the Pandemic
The evidence is anecdotal, but the lesson from the reaction of some of the world’s poorest Christians to hunger and government restrictions on large gatherings amid the coronavirus pandemic is a powerful one for their ...
Don’t Make the Capitol a Fort
For many years, the U.S. Capitol and the Capitol Hill neighborhood had been among the most impressive and accessible features of the Washington, D.C., area. No longer. Source: Capitol Hill Fence -- Washington D.C. Security ...
Screen Shot of President Trump in Oval Office
Senate Democrats and 14th Amendment
After a vote suggesting that about half of the Senate has constitutional or prudential concerns over the trial of former President Trump, members are discussing censure as an alternative. I previously supported a censure resolution, but ...
Capitol Riot
Capitol Assault Was Pre-Planned
If Trump "didn't know about it, they had planned it without him, then you're missing the causal relationship," said Alan Dershowitz. "It would have happened without his speech as well. So that would be relevant ...



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