During the first hour Kerby talks with M.D. Perkins about American Family Studios Documentary: “The God Who Speaks.” The 90 minute film traces the evidence of the Bible.
The second hour John Dickson will join Kerby on the phone from Australia to talk about John’s new book: A Doubter’s Guide to Jesus.
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The God Who Speaks is a 90-minute documentary that traces the evidence of the Bible’s authority through interviews with some of the world’s most respected biblical scholars. This film answers common objections about the Bible’s reliability and equips believers to confidently base their lives on the power of God’s Word.

After two millennia of spiritual devotion and more than two centuries of modern critical research, we still cannot fit Jesus into a box. He is destined to stretch our imaginations, confront our beliefs, and challenge our lifestyles for many years to come.
In A Doubter's Guide to Jesus readers will find themselves both disturbed and intrigued by the images of Jesus found in the first sources.