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left_flag Tuesday, February 6
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

During the first hour Kerby talks with M.D. Perkins about American Family Studios Documentary: “The God Who Speaks.” The 90 minute film traces the evidence of the Bible.

The second hour John Dickson will join Kerby on the phone from Australia to talk about John’s new book: A Doubter’s Guide to Jesus.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

MD Perkins Show Page
M.D. Perkins
Producer & Director of The God Who Speaks - American Family Studios
M.D. Perkins is a director and producer with American Family Studios. Having studied filmmaking at Savannah College of Art & Design, M.D. has worked as a producer on feature films, documentaries and video bible study curriculums including Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and The 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask About Christianity: DVD Curriculum with Alex McFarland. M.D. is a student of both film and theology and tries to create video projects that stir audiences to think deeply about the beliefs they hold. He has been happily married to his high school sweetheart for 15 years and they live in Tupelo, Mississippi with their two little girls.
The God Who Speaks - Documentary
There is a war raging around us – in society, in our churches, and in our homes. It is not a battle over marriage, race, or the sexual revolution. Rather, it is a battle for the truth. Is God real? Does He speak, and if so, how would we know? While many churches are faithfully proclaiming the truths found in Scripture, others have lost confidence in the Bible's divine authorship.

The God Who Speaks is a 90-minute documentary that traces the evidence of the Bible’s authority through interviews with some of the world’s most respected biblical scholars. This film answers common objections about the Bible’s reliability and equips believers to confidently base their lives on the power of God’s Word.
john dickson show page
John Dickson
Author, Speaker, TV Host, Lecturer, - Rector of St. Andrew’s Roseville
John Dickson (PhD, Ancient History) is the author of more than a dozen books, Rector of St Andrew’s Roseville, and a busy public speaker. He has hosted three TV documentaries, and is a regular media commentator. In 2007 John founded the Centre for Public Christianity. He has held lecturing and research positions at both Macquarie University (Sydney) and the University of Sydney, where he teaches a course on the Historical Jesus. A Visiting Academic in the Faculty of Classics at Oxford University for 2017-18, John lives in Sydney with his wife and three children.
A Doubter's Guide to Jesus:
A Doubter's Guide to Jesus is an introduction to the major portraits of Jesus found in the earliest historical sources. Portraits because our best information points not to a tidy, monolithic Jesus, but to a complex, multi-layered and, at times, contradictory figure. While some might be troubled by this, fearing that plurality equals incomprehensibility or unreliability, others take it as an invitation to do some rearranging for themselves, trying to make Jesus neater, more systematic and digestible.

After two millennia of spiritual devotion and more than two centuries of modern critical research, we still cannot fit Jesus into a box. He is destined to stretch our imaginations, confront our beliefs, and challenge our lifestyles for many years to come.

In A Doubter's Guide to Jesus readers will find themselves both disturbed and intrigued by the images of Jesus found in the first sources.
Dealing with Doubt in Our Christian Faith
By: Michael Gleghorn - - April 39, 2007 Help! My Doubts Scare Me! Have you ever doubted your faith? We all have doubts from time to time. We may doubt that our boss really ...




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