Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. It will be one of our best, so don’t miss a second!
After giving us the highlights and top stories for today, he welcomes NFL New Orleans Saint’s punter, Thomas Morstead. Thomas has a book to share, “The Middle School Rules of Thomas Morstead.” Then Kerby welcomes back Debbie Wuthnow. They’ll talk about 6 ways that COVID-19 shows how elections matter. His final guest is Craig Shirley. Craig shares about racial tensions & social unrest and how 1968 changed everything.
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Hoping to inspire other young children to make the right choices based on their own convictions, Thomas shared defining moments with series author Sean Jensen, a former NFL reporter. The Middle School Rules of Thomas Morstead (BroadStreet Publishing) highlights memorable times in Thomas’ life and some of the greatest lessons he learned and encourages young readers to have confidence, be humble and kind, and thrive in academics.
Thomas Morstead entered his 12th NFL season with the New Orleans Saints, distinguishing himself as one of the league's top punters. In Super Bowl XLIV, he executed an onside kick that the Saints recovered and parlayed into a touchdown to take a 13-10 lead. The Saints defeated the Indianapolis Colts to win the Super Bowl. In 2014, Thomas and his wife Lauren started What You Give Will Grow, a foundation committed to improving the lives of those in need, with a strong focus on children and cancer initiatives, in New Orleans and the Gulf South communities.
The Middle School Rules of Thomas Morstead shares how Thomas learned about his cultural roots, handled being bullied for his appearance, and dealt with the disappointment of not making the high school varsity soccer team. Inspired by many, including his parents, Thomas pushes himself in every area of his life and boldly chases his dreams.

Wuthnow holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from Princeton University and was a systems engineer at AT&T Bell Laboratories. She spent many years as a stay-at-home mom while organizing events for her church and community.
Wuthnow joined iVoterGuide in 2011 as a data analyst and was named president in 2018. Since assuming a leadership role, she led the organization to grow from 12 to 40 partners and to reach over 1 million voters nationwide in 2018.
Wuthnow is also the organizations spokesman and has appeared on American Family Radio as well as on the "Eric Metaxas Show," Debbie Georgatos' "America, Can We Talk?," "Point of View Radio" and "WallBuilders Live."
She is also a handbell musician and performed as a member of Council Oaks Bells from Round Rock, Texas. Wuthnow and her husband, Mark, live in Austin, Texas, and have three children.