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left_flag Tuesday, June 19
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Today’s dynamic show is led by Kerby Anderson. His guests today are Jonathan Petersen, Daniel Darling, and Christiana Holcomb.

Jonathan will be talking about the Case for Biblical Self-Defense. Daniel has the latest news about Ethics and Religious Liberty at the Southern Baptist Convention. And Christiana is legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom. She will have the latest on the important cases before the US Supreme Court.

So, it’s going to be a super show. Don’t miss a moment!

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Jonathan Petersen Show Page
Jonathan Petersen
Broadcaster, Reporter, Marketer, & Teacher
Jonathan Petersen is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute. His career has included being a broadcaster in Christian radio, reporting religion news for United Press International Radio Network, being a marketer in Christian publishing, narrating audio books, and adjunct teaching in colleges. His passion for his Christian faith and his interest in the shooting arts have led him to write the booklet we’re discussing today, The Case for Biblical Self-Defense.
Biblical self defense
The Case for Biblical Self-Defense
Is it biblical and in accordance with Christian faith to be ready to employ lethal force to protect your life from an imminent and wrongful life-threatening attack? According to the Bible, our first priority is to love and seek peace. It also says there is a right time and a right place for appropriate godly confrontation and conflict. The Bible shows that, at certain times, proper violence is considered a necessity and God decrees it must be used to thwart evil. Read this booklet to see how the Bible offers more than 100 examples and passages that speak to the acceptability of self-defense in accordance with self-discipline and wise discernment.
Daniel Darling Show Page
Daniel Darling
Vice President of Communications - ERLC
Daniel Darling is the Vice President for Communications for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC). For five years, Dan served as Senior Pastor of Gages Lake Bible Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago and is the author of several books, including Teen People of the Bible, Crash Course, iFaith, Real, and his latest, Activist Faith. He is a weekly contributor to Parse, the blog of Leadership Journal. His work has been featured in evangelical publications such as Relevant Magazine, Homelife, Focus on the Family, The Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, . Dan’s op-eds have appeared on’s Belief Blog, Faithstreet, Washington Times, Time, Huffington Post and other newspapers and opinion sites. He has guest-posted on leading blogs such as Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, and Jon Acuff. He is a featured blogger for,, Covenant Eyes, and others.

He is the host of a weekly podcast, The Way Home.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in pastoral ministry from Dayspring Bible College and has studied at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife Angela have four children and reside in the Nashville area.
Christiana Holcomb Show Page
Christiana Holcomb
Legal Counsel - Alliance Defending Freedom
Christiana Holcomb serves as legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, where she is a key member of the Center for Christian Ministries.

Since joining ADF in 2012, Holcomb has worked to defend the constitutionally protected freedom of churches, religious schools, and Christian ministries to exercise their faith without government interference. She has also advocated for the right of pastors and churches to be free from IRS censorship via the unconstitutional Johnson Amendment and has defended the bodily privacy rights of students.

Holcomb served as co-counsel in the first pre-enforcement challenges filed against state officials who threatened to censor churches and deny them their freedom to operate consistently with their beliefs about human sexuality: Fort Des Moines Church of Christ v. Jackson and Horizon Christian Fellowship v. Williamson. In both cases, state officials quickly reversed course.

Holcomb has testified before Congress and has likewise advocated successfully at the grassroots level. As an ADF commentator, she regularly speaks at conferences and other venues across the country. In addition, numerous media outlets have interviewed and frequently quoted her.

Holcomb earned her Juris Doctor in 2010 from Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy, where she graduated first in her class and served as a teaching assistant in criminal law. Also in 2010, Holcomb completed the Alliance Defending Freedom leadership development program to become a Blackstone Fellow. She is admitted to the state bar of California, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Supreme Court, and numerous federal district and appellate courts.
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