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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Today’s program is hosted by Penna Dexter. Her guest in the first hour will be Dr. Janet Morena who has a new book on the effects abortion has on victims and the individuals around them.

And, in the second hour she will have Hannah Sultemeier & Lindsey Washington. They’ll be talking about Stand For Life. 

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Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter

Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight yearsRead More

Janet Morana, Ph.D. Show Page
Janet Morana, Ph.D.
Author, Executive Director, Co-Founder - Priests for Life, Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Janet A. Morana is the Executive Director of Priests for Life and Co-Founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. A former New York City public school teacher, since 1989 she has held numerous roles in the national pro-life movement. She travels extensively, giving pro-life training seminars for clergy and laity. In 2003, she addressed the Pro-Life Caucus of the U.S. House on life issues. In 2009, the international Legatus organization honored her with the Cardinal John O'Connor Pro-life Hall of Fame Award. She is the co-host of Defending Life and The Catholic View for Women on EWTN, and the best-selling author of Recall Abortion, published in 2013 by Saint Benedict Press. Her new book, Shockwaves: Abortion's Wider Circle of Victims, was published in January 2018 by Catholic Book Publishing. A native of Brooklyn, she holds a master’s degree in education from St. John’s University.
Hannah Sultemeier Show Page
Hannah Sultemeier
Executive Director - Stand for Life
Hannah was raised in Houston, TX in a home where she was one out of ten children. Her parents graciously opened their home to many foster children throughout her life, and went on to adopt four of her now siblings. Her passion for the life discussion was formed through her belief in Genesis 1:27, that every life was made in the image of God, and through her very own home where her parents taught her to boldly live out a pro-life ethic.

She earned her Bachelor’s Degree from Texas A&M University, and went on to earn a Graduate Leadership and Discipleship Certificate from the Kanakuk Institute. After the Kanakuk Institute, Hannah pursued a career at Sewell Automotives until the Lord called her to step out in faith and eventually join the team at Stand for Life. Hannah is now the Executive Director at Stand for Life, in Dallas, TX, where she and her husband Ben currently live.
Lindsey Washington Show Page
Lindsey Washington
Communications Director - Stand for Life
Lindsey serves as the Communications Director at Stand for Life. She was born and raised in Houston, TX and earned a B.A. in Journalism, Public Relations and New Media with a minor in Religion from Baylor University. She has a passion for storytelling through writing and loves using her gifts to advance the gospel to the ends of the earth. Her heart for the LIFE discussion is rooted in Genesis 1:27 and the truth that all life is valuable, because all life was made in the Image of God.

Lindsey and her husband, Connor, met at Sky Ranch Camps and have been married since 2015. The two currently live in Dallas, TX.
Shockwaves: Abortion's Wider Circle of Victims
A long-time defender of life and frequent speaker on EWTN, Janet Morana details the devastating effects of abortion through in-depth, first-person accounts of family members and health professionals impacted by the loss of a child to abortion.
Stand for Life
Stand for Life started on August 6, 2015 after Jess Barfield posted an image of herself and her son on social media with the LIFE filter. As a result, #standforLIFE went viral and people all over the world began posting photos with the LIFE filter and sharing their own stories about why they value life.

The traditional pro-life movement has created a solid foundation for valuing life. However, today's culture has developed a resistance that has caused a void and left individuals longing to fill a silent gap and be a part of a movement that deeply loves all parties involved - mothers, fathers, children and entire families. There is a need to further engage, educate and equip all individuals to change how people engage in the LIFE issue and influence them in a way that empowers them to make a difference in their community.

Today, Stand for Life is made up of a team of four and is continuing to engage with storytellers all over the world. The team has learned that stories impact people on a heart level, and as a result, communities are being empowered to influence generations. The heartbeat of everything that we do is the Imago Dei and our hope is that every person would come to know the significance of human dignity through storytelling.
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