Our host today is our own Kerby Anderson. Today, his first guest is Gregory Jantz who brings us his new book, “Triumph Over Trauma.”
Then, Kerby welcomes Leah Savas. Leah, too, has a new book to share, The Story of Abortion in America: A Street-Level History, 1652–2022.
Don’t miss it, it’s going to be a great show.

Drawing on cutting-edge research, Triumph over Trauma empowers you to find relief and hope once and for all. Rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution, this whole-person treatment approach recognizes you as a unique constellation of emotional, physical, intellectual, relational, and spiritual dimensions. This book explains how trauma affects your emotions, body, brain, relationships, soul, and dreams. Then it shows you how to create a personalized plan to find your way back to wholeness, joy, and peace.

The Story of Abortion in America traces the long cultural history of this pressing issue from 1652 to today, focusing on the street-level activities of those drawn into the battles willingly or unwillingly. Authors Marvin Olasky and Leah Savas show complex lives on both sides: Some sacrificed much to help the poor and others sacrificed the helpless to empower themselves. The Story of Abortion in America argues that whatever happens legally won’t end the debate, but it will affect lives.