Our first hour guest is Katherine Hines, author, founder and Uganda Director of Hines Ugandan Ministries. She discusses her book, They Call Me Momma Katherine: How One Woman’s Brokenness Became Hope for Uganda’s Children.
Our second hour guest joins us in-studio. Celebrated author and speaker, Josh McDowell tells us about his book, Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World.

The ministry has experienced tremendous growth! Katherine left a successful Colorado professional business career at age 36 after overcoming a series of tragedies, including 3 boyfriends dying tragically, to serve the impoverished and distressed children of Uganda – by some measures the poorest nation on earth and a country where former dictator Idi Amin butchered an estimated 300,000 people. Most of the now 1000’s of children she and her team interact with have at least one parent who has or died from AIDS. Katherine has been a fearless evangelist leading many to Christ from witchcraft, polygamy, poverty and Islam. A Christian school serving 300 has been established, a vibrant medical clinic, a craft enterprise, child sponsorship programs of nearly 250 and an Awana program reaching more than 1200 kids a year. Katherine has become the sole foster parent of 34 kids which now include a doctor, nurse, World Bank employee, pastor and social worker . . .. Now you know why she is called “Momma Katherine!”
Katherine’s story begins with tragedies, but God touched her heart at a crusade and led her to Uganda as a missionary to the children. Leaving her prestigious job and home, she went to a land of mud huts and polluted water. In the midst of sickness and poverty, she loved and cared for the orphans of the war-torn country, as she faced witch doctors and Muslim agitators. Katherine shares her life story to help us know that we can all make a difference – if only we let God . . .

Trump’s battle with the NFL over national anthem protests dominated ESPN’s morning and afternoon shows, which at times sounded more like CNN than a sports channel. ESPN’s analysts were overwhelmingly critical of the president.
ESPN host Stephen A. Smith claimed during one segment that Trump’s attack on the NFL was part of a nefarious “grand scheme” from the president.

A few weeks ago, there was nothing left of Colin Kaepernick’s ill-advised national-anthem protest except a few dying embers. Now the twin bellows that are President Trump’s lungs have blown a blast of pure oxygen into the fire. Suddenly, it’s going stronger than ever.
If you’re an NFL fan, you can only be aghast at what Trump has done. His side — our side, the side that said you shouldn’t insult the flag because of the mistakes made by some police officers — was winning. All Trump had to do to secure this small but important victory was keep his mouth shut. Kaepernick had suffered the twin humiliations of being forced to recant his position last spring by promising to end his pregame protests and being snubbed by every NFL team this summer, which left him free to spend the opening weeks of the season protesting injustice from his couch. Copycat demonstrations were dwindling out.

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