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Wednesday, July 25, 2018
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Dr. Nick Pitts is the host of today’s Millennial Roundtable. He is joined by Kerby Anderson, Ben Fuqua of Christ Chapel Bible Church, First Liberty’s Chelsey Youman, and Point of View‘s own intern, Emily Cassil.

Topics include (but are not limited to) how business are adapting to capture the millennial audience, and how millennieals are buying homes. They may also discuss the repercussions of tariffs.

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Nick Pitts
Dr. Nick Pitts
Executive Director of the Institute for Global Engagement - DBU
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J. Nick Pitts serves as the Executive Director of the Institute for Global Engagement at Dallas Baptist University. Previous to this he held the position of Director for Cultural Engagement at Denison Forum on Truth and Culture. He came to the Denison Forum in 2014. He contributed to the Forum in the areas of geopolitics and popular culture, as wellRead More

Kerby Anderson
Host - Point of View Radio
Kerby Anderson has more than 30 years of experience in ministry and currently serves as the President of Probe Ministries as well as Host of Point of View Radio Talk Show.

He graduated from Oregon State University and holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He is the author of thirteen books including Signs of Warning Signs of Hope, Moral Dilemmas, Christian Ethics in Plain Language, A Biblical Point of View on Islam, A Biblical Point of View on Homosexuality, A Biblical Point of View on Intelligent Design, A Biblical Point of View on Spiritual Warfare, and Making The Most of Your Money in Tough Times. He is also the editor of many books including: Marriage, Family, & Sexuality and Technology, Spirituality, & Social Trends.

Kerby also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, Philadelphia Biblical University, and Temple Baptist Seminary. He has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Colorado and University of Texas.
Ben Fuqua Show Page
Ben Fuqua
Life Stage 2 Pastor - Christ Chapel Bible Church
I was raised in a genuinely Christian home and was introduced to Christ at a young age. Although I was a pretty good “keeper of the religious rules” growing up, I realize more and more each day just how wicked and weak my flesh really is and how absolutely in need I am of Christ’s saving grace. God’s grace in my life, through the work of Jesus Christ, is not only the most important thing that has happened to me but also the only thing that gives my living actual life. Every good thing I experience is by God’s grace.
In the spring of 2008 a pastor named Joey Turner, who remains one of my heroes to this day, invited me to come and worship at Christ Chapel. My wife and I both felt the Spirit of God doing something remarkable here and we wanted to be a part of what our God was doing, so in May of the same year I accepted a job as the Fifth+Sixth Pastor. Through the last eight years I have had the opportunity to wear several hats on staff and our family has been blessed tremendously by how God has used this church to show me more of Himself.
My wife Danielle and I have been married since 2007 and she is the greatest earthly blessing in my life. She is my partner in ministry as well as in life. We have a son named Charlie who was born in September of 2014 – that kid is so much fun and our favorite little disciple. Ministry is our calling and I love meeting new people…so give me a call, I’d love to meet you.
Chelsey Youman
Chelsey Youman
Counsel - First Liberty Institute
Chelsey Youman, Esq., is Counsel for First Liberty Institute, concentrating on religious liberty matters and First Amendment rights.

She joined First Liberty Institute after working for a law firm in private practice, where she successfully litigated corporate fraud matters, complex commercial litigation, and consumer rights issues in both federal and state jurisdictions.

Youman received her Juris Doctor from Southern Methodist University, where she was a Dean’s Scholarship Recipient. She was also a member of the Board of Advocates, where she successfully argued in off-campus mock trial competitions, and was a member of the Aggie Law Society and SMU Christian Legal Society. During law school, she clerked for the Consumer Protection Division in the Office of the Attorney General of Texas and Liberty Institute.
Emily Cassil Show Page
Emily Cassil
Intern | Point of View - Student | Furman University
Emily Cassil is currently working as the summer intern at Point of View. She is a rising Junior at Furman University, completing BA degrees in Communication Studies and Political Science. Next year, she will be staying in Edinburgh and interning for a member of the Scottish National Party.
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Millennials Having Home Buying Regrets
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Nick Daily Briefing
Daily Briefing
The Daily Briefing is a newsletter sent straight to your inbox every morning that provides biblical insight on today's news. This five-minute read gives an overview of the news driving the day and provides Nick Notes. These Notes offer biblical insight of the highlighted article. In essence, each note tries to answer this question: how should we think about this from a biblical perspective?



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