On today’s show, our host is Kerby Anderson. After a review of today’s headlines in the first hour, Kerby speaks with Alex Lippert. Alex brings us his book, Afterwork. In the second hour, Kerby welcomes back Thom Rainer. Dr. Rainer brings us his newest book, Pray & Go.
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- Exposes the retirement lie
- Explores the 10 key disciplines to avoid a destiny of disillusionment
Opens you to a life of purpose and meaning

Praying for Great Commission church members
Pray & Go is a profound and easy-to-use tool that empowers church members to focus outward and learn how to pray regularly. There’s hope. Imagine your congregation devoted to prayer. Envision a healthy and growing church dedicated to worshiping Jesus.
Praying for your pastor
Praying for unity
Praying for reconciliation
Just pray and go. Yes, it’s that simple. You will be amazed by what God will do when your church family is praying for each other and for the community.