February 9th, 2024
magazine covers Rolling Stone
“This Evangelical Billionaire Family Wants to Convert You on Super Bowl Sunday.” That’s the title of a recent Rolling Stone feature, a magazine most wouldn’t expect to discuss God’s love.
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February 9th, 2024
rainbow Oreo cookies - gay transgender LGBT
Oreo’s latest partnership signifies a disturbing trend in U.S. corporations advancing the LGBTQ+ agenda, as far-left ideologues impose it on children.
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February 9th, 2024
coal plant industrial smoke stacks belching smoke
The Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a sweeping regulatory action, curbing particulate matter emissions from industry sources such as manufacturing and energy.
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February 8th, 2024
Apple Vision Pro
This week, I tried out the Apple Vision Pro. That’s the device you’ve been seeing on the news: the bulky, unwieldy headgear; the bizarre images of people attempting to manipulate the air in front of them; even some people driving while looking like Geordi La Forge from “Star Trek.”
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January 18th, 2024
stacks of aluminum cans waiting to be filled
By: Phil Gramm and Donald J. Boudreaux – – January 17, 2023 The evidence shows they benefited a politically connected few, while U.S. consumers and producers paid the bill. But protectionism shrinks rather than expands production. It does so most directly by obstructing U.S.-based producers’ access to inputs. As Dartmouth’s Douglas Irwin has shown, more than half of American imports...
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January 11th, 2024
Biden Campaigning in MD
Like green shoots poking up through snow in early spring, more signs of resistance are emerging every day. We may be witnessing a massive rejection of the grim future fashioned for us by ruling elites, whose narrative of radical change is collapsing. Americans are not buying what they’re selling.
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January 4th, 2024
Elon Musk speaks wearing headset
Politicians are often takers. They take our money (and freedom) in the name of achieving goals they rarely achieve. Elon Musk and Sen. Elizabeth Warren may be the best examples of maker and taker.
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January 2nd, 2024
Riley-Gaines-Lia-Thomas Swimming competition
By: Caroline Downey – – January 1, 2024 Since former University of Pennsylvania male swimmer Lia Thomas stole a title and trophy from then-University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines at the 2022 NCAA Women’s Championships, the fairness-in-women’s-sports issue has roiled American politics. It’s been two years of lobbying by advocacy groups and activists such as Gaines to protect women’s...
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December 18th, 2023
Harvard Health Services
By: Allysia Finley – – December 17, 2023 Corporation is an apt appellation for Harvard and other Ivy League schools, considering they operate more like for-profit businesses than educational institutions. Unlike businesses, however, they lack shareholders to hold them accountable. This makes them models of the left’s “stakeholder capitalism” paradigm. The Harvard Corp. consists of 13 members, including the...
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December 6th, 2023
Palestinian supporter on Brooklyn Bridge
Harvard’s University’s graduate-student union recently approved by a vote of 402 to 210 a resolution denouncing what it called “the murderous Israeli regime” and the “ongoing genocide of the Palestinians.”
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