May 31st, 2019
Yale Law School
By: Jeremy Dys – – May 29, 2019 Yale University has an endowment of $29.4 billion. It also receives in excess of $480 million in federal grants and contracts. Yet, Yale Law School denies aid to students who choose to work for faith-based organizations during the summer. As a private institution, Yale may be entitled to discriminate on the basis of...
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May 29th, 2019
Study for SAT
By Heather Mac Donald – – May 16, 2019 For decades, the College Board defended the SAT, which it writes and administers, against charges that the test gives an unfair advantage to middle-class white students. No longer. Under relentless pressure from the racial-preferences lobby, the Board has now caved to the anti-meritocratic ideology of “diversity.” The Board will calculate for each SAT-taker...
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May 29th, 2019
Study for SAT
By Heather Mac Donald – – May 16, 2019 For decades, the College Board defended the SAT, which it writes and administers, against charges that the test gives an unfair advantage to middle-class white students. No longer. Under relentless pressure from the racial-preferences lobby, the Board has now caved to the anti-meritocratic ideology of “diversity.” The Board will calculate for each SAT-taker...
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May 29th, 2019
By: Lowell Ponte – – May 19, 2019 BRAVE NEW SCHOOLS The College Board is expanding its new system that assigns takers of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) a new score to tell college admissions officers whether each of them was privileged, coming from rich parents and good neighborhoods and schools, or “disadvantaged” by coming from poor families, high-crime...
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May 20th, 2019
Morehouse college w grad
By: Charisse Jones – – May 20, 2019 The blockbuster announcement by billionaire Robert F. Smith that he will pay off the student loans held by Morehouse College’s entire graduating class of 2019 hit a nerve for a couple of reasons. Besides being incredibly generous, many college grads could benefit from such a gift, or at least a little financial relief....
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May 20th, 2019
Morehouse college w grad
By: Charisse Jones – – May 20, 2019 The blockbuster announcement by billionaire Robert F. Smith that he will pay off the student loans held by Morehouse College’s entire graduating class of 2019 hit a nerve for a couple of reasons. Besides being incredibly generous, many college grads could benefit from such a gift, or at least a little financial relief....
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May 16th, 2019
CA teacher w class
By: Adam Beam – – May 8, 2019 California has overhauled its sex education guidance for public school teachers, encouraging them to talk about gender identity with kindergartners and give advice to LGBT teenagers for navigating relationships and having safe sex. LGBT advocates praised the new recommendations for giving attention to a community that is often left out of...
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May 14th, 2019
Graduation 2019 ASU
By: David Brooks – – May 7, 2019 On Monday I was honored to speak to the graduating students at Arizona State University. It was an intimidating occasion. A.S.U. is the most innovative university in the world. Plus, there were 35,000 people in the football stadium. Anybody speaking to college students these days is aware of how hard it is...
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May 14th, 2019
Graduation 2019 ASU
By: David Brooks – – May 7, 2019 On Monday I was honored to speak to the graduating students at Arizona State University. It was an intimidating occasion. A.S.U. is the most innovative university in the world. Plus, there were 35,000 people in the football stadium. Anybody speaking to college students these days is aware of how hard it is...
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April 29th, 2019
By: Rachel Del Guidice – – April 26, 2019 A rally this weekend will give New Jersey parents an opportunity to oppose a new state law requiring public schools to teach children about the “political, economic, and social contributions” of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. The new law also requires schools to stress such contributions made by disabled persons,...
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