September 12th, 2019
Cracked California State Flag
By: Walter E. Williams – – September 11, 2019 Just when we thought colleges could not spout loonier ideas, we have a new one from American University. They hired a professor to teach other professors to grade students based on their “labor” rather than their writing ability. The professor that American University hired to teach that nonsense is Asao B. Inoue,...
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September 10th, 2019
Princeton campus
By: Ryan W. Miller – – September 9, 2019 Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are already vowing to do something about student loan debt. This is why the 1.6 trillion dollar issue could play a big part in the 2020 election. Just the FAQs, USA TODAY Princeton sits atop the rankings for best colleges yet again. For the ninth straight year,...
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September 10th, 2019
Liberty University campus
By: Brandon Ambrosino – – September 09, 2019 At Liberty University, all anyone can talk about is Jerry Falwell Jr. Just not in public. “When he does stupid stuff, people will mention it to others they consider confidants and not keep it totally secret,” a trusted adviser to Falwell, the school’s president and chancellor, told me. “But they won’t rat him out.”...
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September 9th, 2019
Broken bust - repaired with glue
By: Louis Markos – – August 19, 2019 In the fall of 2018, I spoke at Mars Hill Academy, a classical homeschooling co-op in Lexington, Kentucky. It began in 1995 and offers classes in Latin, Western civilization, rhetoric, and worldview, as well as English, math, and science. A cynic might have warned me that I would be greeted by insular...
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August 20th, 2019
Graph Rep|Dem college approval
By: Pew Research Center – – August 8, 2019 The Growing Partisan Divide in Views of Higher Education Americans see value in higher education – whether they graduated from college or not. Most say a college degree is important, if not essential, in helping a young person succeed in the world, and college graduates themselves say their degree helped them grow...
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July 29th, 2019
Elementary students Patriotic
By: Ross Izard – – July 8, 2019 After two centuries of debate, discrimination, and political fights, a handful of Montana parents have succeeded in putting state constitutional Blaine Amendments squarely in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. The court is now poised to settle one of the most pressing issues in American education and issue perhaps the most...
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July 17th, 2019
Supreme Court building - sunset
By: Tyler Olson – – July 11, 2019 The Supreme Court will hear a case which could bring major changes in school choice laws. The Supreme Court is gearing up to decide next term whether states can ban students from using student-aid programs to attend religious institutions – an education dispute that could have major ramifications for the school choice...
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July 9th, 2019
elementary school students
By: Kaylee Greenlee – – June 27, 2019 A group of concerned parents held a press conference just ahead of a scheduled Arlington County School Board meeting Tuesday evening about the adoption of a policy concerning transgender student protections in the school district. “[Arlington Public Schools] has far overreached its authority in this matter, and needs to be reminded by concerned...
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June 24th, 2019
Cookie cutter gingerbread men
By Robert Knight – – June 23, 2019 The conceit of our age is that we can alter reality at a whim. We’re really that smart and powerful. We not only can control the planet’s weather, but we can defy God’s essential design for life, reflected in nature and cultures trillions of times a day. This being Pride Month, we’re...
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June 17th, 2019
Kyle Kashuv speaks at 148th NRA
By: David French – – June 17, 2019 Today, Parkland-shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv tweeted that Harvard University had rescinded his admissions offer after it discovered that he’d made offensive, racist comments in a private online chat when he was 16 years old. I’m not going to repeat what he said, but no one disputes that his comments were egregious and wrong....
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