January 17th, 2023
pork - pig ESG
By: Vivek Ramaswamy – wsj.com – January 16, 2023 Last year’s ESG backlash spawned a vigorous debate about the use of environmental, social and governance factors in capital allocation. I met with numerous state financial officers, pension-fund boards, policy makers and corporate leaders who solicited my perspectives and those of competing asset managers as they grappled with fiduciary questions relating to ESG....
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January 15th, 2023
Amazon employees march in gay parade
Should businesses take public stances on political and social issues? The public is split: 48% think businesses should, while 52% think they should not, according to a Gallup poll released this week.
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January 15th, 2023
Gas Stove burner
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – January 13, 2022 A Biden appointee on the Consumer Product Safety Commission explicitly threatened to ban gas stoves based on dubious evidence of public-health harm. “This is a hidden hazard,” said commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.” We and others...
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January 15th, 2023
Joe & Jill Biden hug Hunter
THE BIG PROBLEM WITH THE JOE BIDEN DOCUMENTS STORY. This could be the shortest newsletter ever. The biggest problem with the Joe Biden documents story is this: We know only what Joe Biden’s lawyers have told us. And the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the case will make the problem worse.  
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January 13th, 2023
texas values logo
Austin, TX — January 11, 2023: The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is hosting its annual convention this week in San Antonio, Texas, Henry B. González Convention Center. NCAA officials will be discussing policies surrounding men competing in women’s sports, just as our Texas legislature convenes to take up a number of bills, including those that address the issue of men competing in...
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January 13th, 2023
Sea of black umbrellas w 1 US flag umbrella
What happens when progress stops? That’s an important question in a country whose self-understanding is deeply tied to the idea of progress — material, technological, political and social.
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January 13th, 2023
Biden Trump side by side
The Left has gone mad over former President Donald J. Trump – past, present, and future. The current Democratic Party and NeverTrump “conservatives” assumed that Trump was and remains so obviously toxic that they do not have to define exactly what his evil entails.
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January 13th, 2023
US Capitol Dome
We have spent our way into a colossal mess. After all the stimulus and other spending, debt held by the public is more than ten times the level with which Reagan left us, at about $24 trillion.
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January 13th, 2023
Sarcastic Biden points finger sneers
As news is breaking about a second batch of classified documents that President Biden illegally retained in an unauthorized location after the Obama administration ended, a few observations are in order regarding what he has had to say about all this so far.
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January 12th, 2023
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – January 11, 2022 Gov. Gavin Newsom last year touted a $100 billion budget surplus as evidence of California’s progressive superiority. He was less triumphant Tuesday when announcing a $22.5 billion deficit in the coming year, a contrast to Texas’s record $32.7 billion surplus. Give Mr. Newsom partial credit for acknowledging that the state’s...
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