September 28th, 2020
Iam inclined to think that the Palestinians have some legitimate beefs, historically speaking. I just don’t care very much. You blow up children in pizza shops, and your priorities go right to the bottom of my global humanitarian to-do list. Source: Black Lives Matters — PLO Tactics Won’t Work in America | National Review
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September 25th, 2020
Once again, a grand jury has rendered a decision in a high-profile case involving police shooting a person of color, this time in Louisville, Kentucky. As if on cue, predestined violent protests and civil unrest fulminated across the country. Fires were set, and angry demonstrators continued their monthslong path of destruction, this time fueled by their frustration over the decision...
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September 25th, 2020
With just 40 days to go before the November election, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has once again called a “lid” on the day’s activities. Source: With Just 40 Days To Go, Biden Campaign Calls A ‘Lid’ Before 9:30 AM | The Daily Caller
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September 25th, 2020
Norms, we are told, matter. Violating norms, recklessly disregarding norms — these are charges on which President Trump is often arraigned in the court of public opinion. Source: Who’s Violating Norms These Days? | RealClearPolitics
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September 25th, 2020
As I have argued, historical precedents support Senate Republicans in drawing a distinction in election-year Supreme Court nominations. When the president’s party controls the Senate, as it does in 2020, the Senate majority is well within its historic rights in confirming a nominee. It has done so 17 times out of 19. When the opposition party controls the Senate, as...
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September 24th, 2020
The death of the liberal icon Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, greatly admired even by her opponents, has wildly transformed the presidential campaign. Source: Ginsburg’s Death Puts Rule of Law and the Constitution on November Ballot | RealClearPolitics
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September 23rd, 2020
President Trump “has broken a 39-year streak of American presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict.” The Norwegian official who said that, in nominating Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize, minced no words about why the president should win it Source: End the Nobel Peace Prize — if Trump doesn’t win it | TheHill
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September 23rd, 2020
Amy Coney Barrett, a federal appeals judge for nearly three years, is a front-runner to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by the death Friday of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Source: 6 Things to Know About Supreme Court Prospect Amy Coney Barrett
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September 22nd, 2020
In the Los Angeles Times, Jonah Goldberg wonders why the idea of a “grand bargain” over the vacant Supreme Court seat isn’t “catching on among senators,” despite “gaining steam among eggheads.” Perhaps, he suggests, “such a deal hinges on the ability of politicians to trust other politicians to keep their word and stand up to bases of their own parties...
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September 22nd, 2020
As if 2020 were lacking in drama, America finds itself with a vacancy on the Supreme Court. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a pioneer who shaped decades of jurisprudence in America. As a nation, we rightly mourn her passing. There will never be another “RBG.” Yet, as we turn from grief to governance, it is paramount that the Supreme Court...
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