April 25th, 2016
Senator Ted Cruz and Gov. John R. Kasich of Ohio have agreed to coordinate in future primary contests in a last-ditch effort to deny Donald J. Trump the Republican presidential nomination, with each candidate standing aside in certain states amid growing concerns that Mr. Trump cannot otherwise be stopped. In a statement late Sunday night, Mr. Cruz’s campaign manager, Jeff...
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April 25th, 2016
DALLAS, TEXAS-While stumping for GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 97% on Monday, Congressman Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)96% made a point of questioning Donald Trump’s credentials on the important issue of the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is considered the single most important issue in Middle Eastern politics and is often used as an...
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April 22nd, 2016
Ted Cruz on Thursday blasted Donald Trump for opposing North Carolina’s new bathroom law, saying his rival is giving in to “political correctness” and that the country has “gone off the deep end” about the issue. Trump said earlier Thursday that North Carolina should not have passed the law directing transgender people to use the bathroom that matches the gender...
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April 22nd, 2016
Let’s get the easy part out of the way first. Bernie Sanders went into the New York Democratic primary with essentially no path to catching Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, and he leaves it with even less of one after Clinton’s victory. Despite some national polls showing the race effectively a tie, Clinton has a...
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April 22nd, 2016
Bi-vocational pastors be warned – what you say from the pulpit on Sunday could get you fired from your public sector job on Monday. Dr. Eric Walsh, a renowned public health expert who also serves as a lay minister, has filed a federal lawsuit against the Georgia Department of Public Health alleging he was terminated for delivering sermons on issues...
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April 21st, 2016
Before we begin debunking, let’s start with the obvious: It was undoubtedly a good night for Trump and unsurprisingly so, as NR’s Henry Olsen predicted on election eve. Trump looks to have taken 90 delegates and 60 percent of the vote, somewhat better than projections, although most election-eve forecasts had him taking at least 85 or so of New York’s...
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April 19th, 2016
The most revealing cases can sometimes come from the most boring facts. Last week, my former colleagues at the Alliance Defending Freedom filed their opening brief at the Supreme Court in perhaps the most important case about recycled tires in American constitutional history. Yes, I said recycled tires. Missouri — because it purports to love children and the environment —...
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April 18th, 2016
Poll: Vast Majority of Americans Don’t Trust the News Media Trust in the news media is being eroded by perceptions of inaccuracy and bias, fueled in part by Americans’ skepticism about what they read on social media. Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress...
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April 14th, 2016
Social justice is all the rage in corporate boardrooms, and some on the left would like you to think it’s because of market pressure. Americans are firmly on the “right side of history” when it comes to gay rights, gender identity, and religious bigotry, and companies are responding. It’s in their best corporate interests to boycott North Carolina, threaten Georgia,...
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April 14th, 2016
If it wasn’t for double standards, some liberals would have none at all. That seems to be the lesson from the past few weeks, where liberals have displayed three distinct forms of hypocrisy. Liberal governors and mayors signed travel bans to North Carolina and Mississippi, CEOs of major corporations pledged boycotts and relocations, and Bruce Springsteen and Bryan Adams have...
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