April 4th, 2016
Brookfield, Wis. — One week before Wisconsin’s presidential primary, Ted Cruz stood before hundreds of supporters in this Milwaukee suburb and cast the contest in sweeping terms, framing it as a “battleground” where forces opposed to Donald Trump could turn the momentum of 2016 campaign against him. “The entire country is focused on the state of Wisconsin,” Cruz said. “And...
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April 4th, 2016
Governments across the world began investigating possible financial wrongdoing by the rich and powerful on Monday after a leak of four decades of documents from a Panamanian law firm that specialized in setting up offshore companies. The “Panama Papers” revealed financial arrangements of global politicians and public figures including friends of Russian President Vladimir Putin, relatives of the prime ministers...
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April 4th, 2016
President Obama is facing the very real possibility of a deadlock at the Supreme Court that guarantees his immigration actions won’t take effect before he leaves office. If the justices split 4-4 on the case, as observers say is possible, the president’s attempt to shield nearly 5 million people from deportation would be sent back to the lower courts for...
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April 4th, 2016
Why is John Kasich still in the campaign? Ted Cruz has to get 87% of the remaining delegates to win the nomination. Donald Trump will never get enough delegates to stop a brokered (read that contested) convention. Controversy everywhere. If it bleeds it leads. But the real story is how the Democratic bosses have stolen the nominating process for Hillary...
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April 4th, 2016
Why does Donald Trump assert that he is pro-life? It’s easy to understand that if he is running as a conservative for the GOP nomination this checked-box would be necessary to survive the primary process. He is running against two other candidates who have clear credentials on the matter, and if he were to be found to still be pro-abortion...
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April 4th, 2016
Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton ran afoul of both the pro-life and pro-choice sides of the abortion debate Sunday when she said constitutional rights do not apply to an “unborn person” or “child.” “The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights,” Mrs. Clinton said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t do everything we possibly can...
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April 1st, 2016
The presidential primary has been a wrenching experience for the GOP so far — and it’s about to get even worse. Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich have all backed away from their pledge to support the party’s eventual nominee, foreshadowing a fight at the convention and beyond that could cleave the GOP into warring factions. “This race is...
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April 1st, 2016
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that women who end pregnancies should face punishment if the United States bans abortion, prompting a torrent of negative reactions from critics, including his White House rivals. After MSNBC broadcast a clip of an interview with Trump’s comments, the billionaire appeared to walk back his remarks by saying the abortion issue should...
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April 1st, 2016
Neither political party can lay claim to purity when it comes to hypocrisy, but Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, as well as others in her party, has taken hypocrisy to new depths. While campaigning in Wisconsin before next week’s presidential primary, Clinton said that as president she would have a litmus test for any Supreme Court nominee. “I would not...
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April 1st, 2016
Do Bill and Hillary Clinton sense a breakdown in whatever deal they may have struck with President Obama to protect her presidential ambitions? Is whatever negotiation they may have been conducting over her email server problem and any inside information she may have on him now imploding? Or have the Clintons “won” the negotiation with Mr. Obama, freeing them to...
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