February 18th, 2016
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has overtaken businessman Donald Trump in the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News national poll of likely Republican voters. Here’s how the six remaining candidates stack up, according to the poll: Ted Cruz: 28 percent Donald Trump: 26 percent Marco Rubio: 17 percent John Kasich: 11 percent Ben Carson: 10 percent Jeb Bush: 4 percent In head-to-head...
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February 17th, 2016
According to Senator Elizabeth Warren, the future of the republic teeters in the balance. Unless the United States Senate bows to the will of President Barack Obama and approves his replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, everything we hold dear will be lost. A refusal to get with the program, Warren insists, “would threaten both the Constitution...
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February 16th, 2016
This morning, the Washington Post’s James Hohmann made perhaps the Left’s single-strongest argument for confirming President Obama’s imminent Supreme Court nominee — obstructionism could cost the GOP its Senate majority. Hohmann argues that McConnell’s vow to block Obama’s pick is a “bold and understandable gambit,” but he claims it could “backfire badly.” Here’s how: Assuming the president picks a Hispanic,...
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February 15th, 2016
Sanders supporters revolt against superdelegates Outraged by the delegate deficit Sanders faces even after his New Hampshire win, the senator’s backers are taking action. Bernie Sanders lost by a hair in Iowa and won by a landslide in New Hampshire. Yet Hillary Clinton has amassed an enormous 350-delegate advantage over the Vermont senator after just two states. Outraged by that...
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February 15th, 2016
GREENVILLE, South Carolina — The chairman of the local Republican Party here confirmed to local television that 2016 frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump’s concerns—and those of his closest competitor Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 97% —with the Republican National Committee (RNC) allocation of debate audience tickets are well-placed. Chad Groover, the chairman of the Greenville County Republican Party here, told WYFF—the local...
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February 12th, 2016
James Madison
How to Roll Back Big Government, for a Free Economy and a Free People By John Yoo • nationalreview.com • February 11, 2016 Regulations cost Americans $277K per household per year. Conservative intellectuals do not trust Donald Trump, who is a strong candidate, having won in New Hampshire after his loss in Iowa. Like Voltaire’s quip about the Holy Roman Empire, Trump...
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February 12th, 2016
LA 1937 Great Depression
The world can’t afford another financial crash – it could destroy capitalism as we know it By Allister Heath • telegraph.co.uk • February 10, 2016   A new economic crisis would trigger a political backlash in Britain, Europe and the United States which could drag us all down into poverty They bounce back after terrorist attacks, pick themselves up after...
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February 11th, 2016
The Still Alive Five
Trump, Kasich, Cruz, Rubio, Bush: What NH results mean to the still-alive five By William Whalen • FoxNews.com • Published February 10, 2016 Add this to the list of election-year proverbs to dismiss: John Sununu’s snarky missive that “Iowa picks corn and New Hampshire picks presidents”. The last presidential hopeful to make good on Sununu’s words: his old boss, George...
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February 11th, 2016
Ted Cruz in New Hampshire
Armageddon for the GOP Establishment By Jeremy Carl, National Review — February 10, 2016 The night could have gone worse for the GOP establishment—but I’m not really sure how. Not only did Donald Trump win an overwhelming victory in New Hampshire, but the establishment lane of viable candidates got more crowded than it had been going in. And remember that...
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February 10th, 2016
MANCHESTER, N.H. — As Democrats consider Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for the second time, women are wrestling with a difficult question: whether they have an obligation to get behind someone who is closer than anyone has ever been to becoming the first female president. And with her opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, outdrawing her in support among young women, Mrs....
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