January 22nd, 2016
I live in Donald Trump country. Maury County, Tenn. — like much of the South — was dominated by the Democratic party until just a few short years ago. Tennessee’s legislature didn’t flip red until 2008, and my own legislative district in my own “conservative” county was blue until 2010. Tennessee didn’t change dramatically between 2004 (when Democrats were in...
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January 22nd, 2016
National Review Urges ‘Say No’ to Trump Donald Trump is “a menace to conservatism” who should not be elected president of the United States, 22 conservative leaders argue in the new issue of National Review. Essays by the conservative thinkers were posted online Thursday night and will be included in the conservative journal’s Feb. 15 print edition, which goes to...
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January 22nd, 2016
Will Donald Trump Follow Barack Obama’s Path to the White House? Cruz and Rubio are running as mere politicians; Trump’s running as a phenomenon. Do you remember 2008 and the early years of Barack Obama’s presidency, when it felt like the entire country had gone mad, viewing an unaccomplished first-term senator as a national messiah? His face stared out at...
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January 21st, 2016
Bob Dole Warns of ‘Cataclysmic’ Losses With Ted Cruz, and Says Donald Trump Would Do Better Bob Dole, the former Kansas senator and 1996 Republican presidential nominee, has never been fond of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. But in an interview Wednesday, Mr. Dole said that the party would suffer “cataclysmic” and “wholesale losses” if Mr. Cruz were the nominee,...
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January 21st, 2016
It has been more than four decades since the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that unborn were of no account. Precious life created in the image of God was treated as but an inconvenience to be removed “on demand.” A Constitution drafted by those who believed in life and liberty became a license to kill the most helpless...
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January 21st, 2016
Planned Parenthood filed a federal court lawsuit Thursday alleging extensive criminal misconduct by the anti-abortion activists who produced undercover videos targeting the handling of fetal tissue at some Planned Parenthood clinics. “The people behind this fraud lied and broke the law in order to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood,” said Dawn Laguens, the organization’s executive vice president. “This lawsuit...
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January 20th, 2016
The children of political candidates are useful adornments in campaign literature and ads, and when they are older, as character witnesses on the campaign trail. Rarely are they used as attack dogs, let alone armed with shameless talking points to try to dampen the rise of an inspirational political rival. But nothing is beneath Bill and Hillary Clinton. So they...
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January 20th, 2016
It’s very simple. If a man has no moral center, if he has ambition but no faith, if he does not demonstrate humility or integrity, I will never vote for him for president. I don’t care who he is, what he’s done, what he says, or what positions he holds. None of that will matter when we are living under...
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January 19th, 2016
As we approach the Iowa caucuses the fight is heating up about which Republican candidate deserves the support of committed Christians. A core of long-time Evangelical activists has strongly endorsed Ted Cruz — and been answered by fervent counterblasts. In the New York Times, David Brooks claimed that Cruz is a vindictive Pharisee, possessed of a pagan “brutalism,” a charge...
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January 19th, 2016
Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr., has always been a hero to me. Growing up in the inner city of Boston, I memorized his “I Have a Dream” speech. I remember trying to imitate his cadence and delivery as I practiced it. In 1963 he wrote Letter from a Birmingham Jail. He addressed it to “My Fellow Clergymen” and as a clergyman,...
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