Tension in the Middle East
June 14th, 2019
By: Staff – cbsnews.com – June 14, 2019 The Japanese owner of the Kokuka Courageous, one of two oil tankers targeted near the Strait of Hormuz, said Friday that sailors on board saw “flying objects” just before it was hit, suggesting the vessel wasn’t damaged by mines. That account contradicts what the U.S. military said as it released a video Friday it...
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May 16th, 2019
US Military on high alert in Iraq
By: Kim Hjelmgaard – usatoday.com – May 15, 2019 The U.S. military put its forces in Iraq on high alert, and the State Department ordered all nonemergency employees Wednesday to leave the country immediately amid escalating tensions with Iran. Some U.S. allies have expressed skepticism about the Trump administration’s claims that Iran poses a growing threat. Navy Capt. Bill Urban, a spokesman at the U.S. military’s Central Command, said...
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December 28th, 2018
Osama bin Laden
By: Cal Thomas – townhall.com – December 27, 2018 Osama bin Laden predicted it and his prophecy appears to be coming true. In his book, “The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11,” Lawrence Wright quotes bin Laden as saying: “Look at Vietnam, look at Lebanon. Whenever soldiers start coming home in body bags, Americans panic and retreat. Such...
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December 26th, 2018
By: Andrew C. McCarthy – nationalreview.com – December 22, 2018 Unlike my colleagues, I’ve been a bemused spectator during this week’s Syria follies. As readers of these columns know (see, e.g., here, here, here, here, and here), I believe the United States has less interest in Syria than in the persistence of drought in Burkina Faso. That is why I...
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October 17th, 2018
Man through the door to Saudi Embassy in Turkey
By: Cal Thomas – townhall.com – October 17, 2018 Major media are now reporting that the Saudis are “preparing” to admit that Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a columnist for The Washington Post, died in their consulate in Istanbul, as the result of an interrogation gone wrong. Odds are good that admittance will never come. The Saudi’s response, whatever it is,...
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September 11th, 2018
911 flag hanging from the pentagon
By: Tom Sileo – stream.org – September 11, 2018 This morning in Afghanistan, thousands of American warriors woke up in the country where 9/11 was planned. Some were just toddlers on September 11, 2001. Today marks the 17th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in American history. While the horrors of that day drift in and out of our national...
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August 13th, 2018
Franklin Graham & Siraj Wahhaj-900
By: David French – stream.org – August 10, 2018 Imagine this news report. National media exploded today with wall-to-wall coverage of the latest fringe right-wing threat to peace and public order. A sheriff raided a New Mexico compound. It was controlled by 41-year-old Roy Austin Graham. He is the son of Franklin and grandson of Billy Graham, both famous Christian...
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May 31st, 2018
Rigby Assad - speaking event
Join us for our three part speaker series featuring leaders from a variety of industries providing wisdom and direction for how Christians are to respond to the trials of our current culture with love and a biblical perspective.Part one will feature Michele Rigby Assad, an undercover officer in Baghdad for 10 years with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of...
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May 14th, 2018
Israel's 70th anniversary
By: Gary Bauer – cwfpac.com – May 4, 2018 Standing With Israel It’s been a busy week, my friends! I was at the White House twice this week, and this morning I was honored to attend a Christian solidarity event at the Israeli Embassy. I joined hundreds of Christian leaders demonstrating our support for the Jewish state. We were there...
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May 10th, 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump reacts to a question from the media after announcing his intention to withdraw from the JCPOA Iran nuclear agreement at the White House in Washington
By: David French – nationalreiew.com – May 9, 2018 Withdrawing from the JCPOA was easy. Now comes the hard work of crafting and implementing a better strategy for dealing with Tehran. One of the worst, most misguided, most destructive international “deals” in American history is now dead. Good. President Obama’s foreign-policy legacy, based in part on the flawed notion that...
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