Tension in the Middle East
May 10th, 2018
Trump signs reversal of JOCPA - Iran
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – May 9, 2018 Trump can exit because Obama never built U.S. support for the pact. President Trump on Tuesday withdrew the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal, rightly calling it “defective at its core.” Yet he also offered Iran a chance to negotiate a better deal if it truly doesn’t want a nuclear...
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May 2nd, 2018
John Kerry shakes hands - Iran Deal
By: David Harsanyi – thefederalist.com – May 1, 2018 On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented documents to the world that prove Iran lied for years about its peaceful intentions. Netanyahu claims that in 2017 the Iranians moved “a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons” to a secret location, and that a few weeks ago Mossad...
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May 2nd, 2018
John Kerry shakes hands - Iran Deal
By: David Harsanyi – thefederalist.com – May 1, 2018 On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented documents to the world that prove Iran lied for years about its peaceful intentions. Netanyahu claims that in 2017 the Iranians moved “a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons” to a secret location, and that a few weeks ago Mossad...
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May 2nd, 2018
tehran iran 20 flags
by Daniel Horowitz – conservativereview.com – May 1, 2018 Perhaps just as stunning as the Mossad’s ability to smuggle 100,000 documents out of Iran right under the nose of the Islamic regime is the response to Netanyahu’s presentation from the pro-Iran Left. Liberals, including Iran’s favorite senator, Bob Corker, are asserting that while Netanyahu showed evidence of Iran’s past development...
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May 1st, 2018
Netanyahu speach w graph
By: Haaretz – haaretz.com – April 30, 2018 Good evening. Tonight, we’re going to show you something that the world has never seen before. Tonight, we are going to reveal new and conclusive proof of the secret nuclear weapons program that Iran has been hiding for years from the international community in its secret atomic archive. +++++ We’re going to...
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April 16th, 2018
Neo-Nazis on Campus - Poster
By: Matthew Vadum – frontpagemag.com – March 19, 2018 The David Horowitz Freedom Center’s bold new campaign to expose the rampant anti-Semitism and dangerous, genocidal rhetoric of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA) and their student supporters across the nation is officially underway. The campuses of four California universities –UC Berkeley, San Francisco State...
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April 16th, 2018
Syrian Soldier surveys wreckage
By: Thomas Watkins w/ Rim Haddad – yahoo.com/news – April 15, 2018 US President Donald Trump and his British and French allies on Saturday hailed their joint strikes in Syria in response to its alleged use of chemical weapons, warning Damascus that any repetition would be met with renewed firepower. Hours later, the allies signaled their resolve to return to...
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April 13th, 2018
By: John Zmirak – stream.org – April 12, 2018 President Trump is considering military action against the nation of Syria. Would that be justified? Would the servicemen who took part in it be acting as the legitimate sword of the state, as St. Paul wrote? Or would they be doing something deeply unjust, acting as St. Augustine described the Roman...
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April 13th, 2018
By: the Editors – nationalreview.com – April 11, 2018 Bashar al-Assad’s gas attack on the anniversary of President Trump’s missile strike against his regime was an invitation to get hit again, and the president is indeed promising another strike. We weren’t enthusiastic over the first one. Assad is, as Trump is now wont to say, an animal. He has destroyed...
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February 21st, 2018
By: Tamara Qiblawi and Sarah Sirgany – cnn.com – February 21, 2018 At least 250 civilians have been killed in two days of relentless bombardment of Eastern Ghouta in Syria, activists say, prompting warnings that the regime of Bashar al-Assad is preparing to crush the rebel-held enclave. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 106 died on Tuesday, the...
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