Tension in the Middle East
November 19th, 2023
peaceful pro Israel protest vs violent pro Hamas protest
By: Becket Adams – nationalreview.com – November 19, 2023 The difference between the many recent pro-Palestinian rallies and Tuesday’s March for Israel in D.C. is night and day. On Tuesday, one of the largest gatherings of American Jewry in U.S. history took place in Washington, D.C., where an estimated 290,000 people descended on the National Mall to stand in solidarity with...
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November 16th, 2023
Osama Bin Ladin - on TikTok
By: Jim Geraghty – nationalreview.com – November 16, 2023 On the menu today: News that TikTok users are approvingly quoting a 2002 letter from al-Qaeda terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden, and insisting that bin Laden makes a lot of legitimate points, is the sort of thing that makes you wish gullible young people would go back to eating Tide Pods....
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November 16th, 2023
Joe Biden face - Japan
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – November 15, 2023 On Israel, hundreds of federal workers try to undermine his policy. News reports say that no fewer than 500 appointees and staff from 40 agencies, including the National Security Council and the Justice Department, have sent Mr. Biden a letter demanding that he call for a cease-fire and “de-escalation” between...
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November 15th, 2023
rubble in Gaza
At one point in the evening, Prof. Ajami noted that when Saddam Hussein used nerve gas on his own people, the UN said nothing. But when Israel uses tear gas, it draws international rebuke.
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November 14th, 2023
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – November 13, 2023 While Israel focuses on winning the war against Hamas, the U.S. has been pressing for commitments on what will come next. Speaking in Tokyo last week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken laid out five “Nos”: “No forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza. . . . No use of Gaza as...
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November 10th, 2023
sea of individuals US flags - pro
It’s not about diversity, equity, or inclusion. It is about arrogating power to a movement that threatens not just Jews—but America itself.
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November 10th, 2023
The CNN logo stands outside the venue of the second Democratic 2020
AP responded: “AP had no advance knowledge of the October 7 attack,” said spokesperson Nicole Meyer.
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November 10th, 2023
Soldiers remove civilian in KFAR AZA, ISRAEL
Hatred of Israel cannot be distinguished from hatred of the Jewish people. Incontestably now, anti-Zionism is antisemitism.
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November 9th, 2023
Hassan Eslaiah, an @AP and @CNN contributor, taking a selfie while being kissed by Yahya Sinwar - head of Hamas in Gaza and architect of the 10/7 slaughter
By: Ben Shapir0 – dailywire.com – November 9, 2023 Hamas’ friends in the press have hit upon a new strategy: they are now claiming that Israel is targeting journalists. According to The Washington Post, “For weeks, hundreds of locally based journalists in the Gaza Strip have provided the world with intimate views of the devastation on Palestinian lives and homes...
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November 9th, 2023
Pro Hamas protesters - pro Hamas t-shirt
Democrats have suffered a serious split in party unity over support of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas over Israel.
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