July 17th, 2023
Cain and Abel
Explore some of Scripture’s most shocking tales of corruption, violence, confession, and redemption in this book by Dr. Bruce Becker.
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July 10th, 2023
Biblical Justice: In-Depth Video Course from Christians Engaged
God cares deeply about justice. We’ve seen over the past articles that justice is part of His character (Deuteronomy 32:4), that He required justice of Himself for our salvation (Romans 3:23-26), and that He expects justice from His children (Micah 6:8) and from governments (Romans 13:1-7). So how does Biblical Justice compare with the Modern Social Justice movement?
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May 17th, 2023
One of the most remarkable laws in the Bible is in the Book of Deuteronomy: “Do not hate an Egyptian.” It is remarkable because it was given to the generation of Israelites that had just been liberated from slavery in Egypt.
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March 2nd, 2023
[…] the film’s 30th anniversary, I have finally found the time to devote to understanding the lessons the film tried to teach me on my initial viewing and to applying them in my life.
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February 15th, 2023
AOC protests overturning of Roe
Actually, Matthew 5:43 is pluralism. There is nothing “fascist” about this. Indeed, the opposite is true: it’s extremely pluralist.
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November 3rd, 2022
Vote Here sign
In 1629, the first American balloting for an election occurred in Salem, Massachusetts. The matter at hand? Choosing a minister and choosing a Christian teacher for the colony. “Such is the origin of the use of the ballot on this continent; [Samuel] Skelton was chosen pastor and [Francis] Higginson teacher.” So writes George Bancroft.
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September 7th, 2022
Michael Brown book cover
This is what I mean by political seduction: I’m referring to the unhealthy marriage of politics and the gospel. I’m speaking about the church becoming an appendage to a political party.
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August 24th, 2022
Prof Begbie at the piano
Jeremy Begbie: Theology through the arts A theologian and professionally trained pianist demonstrates how music can help unlock the truths of the Christian gospel.
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August 24th, 2022
Jeremy Begbie in church
Jeremy Begbie is the inaugural holder of the Thomas A. Langford Research Professorship in Theology at Duke Divinity School and founding director of Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts. He teaches systematic theology and specializes in the interface between theology and the arts.
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July 21st, 2022
whirlpool of stormy light
From our perspective, it is spiritually dark in our day. However, the truth of God in Christ has already so illuminated the world it is beyond our ability to comprehend just how dark it was on the day Jesus was born.
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