Recent Viewpoints

February 21, 2020
Homeless on the streets

Kerby Anderson John Stossel says the problem is “bad laws.” Rafael Mangual describes it as the “overcriminalization of America.” Both are talking about the same problem and teamed up to produce a video that highlights an issue that needs to be addressed. To put it simply, we have too many laws on the books, many of which are outdated and need to be removed. For example, there is a law in South Carolina that bans 18-year-olds from playing pinball. Taking…

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February 20, 2020
US House financial services committee

Kerby Anderson One weapon used by progressive activists is the “cancel culture.” It is an organized attempt to ruin your reputation or destroy your business. Vince Vaughn was the target of leftists because he was caught on camera talking to President Trump and shaking his hand. Another example was the attempt by students at Oberlin College to put Gibson’s bakery out of business. Vince Vaughn’s career will probably survive, and a court actually awarded the Gibson family millions from the…

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February 19, 2020
big 4 tech masters2

Kerby Anderson The impact of the big tech companies on this election may be more than we have ever seen before because so many Americans are on social media. Two-thirds (68%) of adults use Facebook and nearly three-fourths (73%) use YouTube. The percentages for those under the age of 50 are even much higher. The tech companies have enormous power to select the information we read and share with others. Peter Hasson is the editor at the Daily Caller and…

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February 18, 2020
Senate Votes to Acquit

Kerby Anderson How will history judge the impeachment of President Trump? When I saw the headline, my first thought was that asking such a question was premature, at best. But since the article was written by Hans von Spakovsky, who I respect, I decided to start reading. He is obviously speculating. But he uses the 19th century impeachment proceedings against President Andrew Johnson to provide a context. Johnson was hated by many in Congress because he began to implement Abraham…

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February 17, 2020
Prof Albert Brooks National Prayer Bkfast Speech

Kerby Anderson At the National Prayer Breakfast earlier this month, many people made comments and criticisms of the speech by President Trump. Most of those comments were accurate but they all ignored a very good message by Dr. Arthur Brooks. He is a Harvard professor and former president of the American Enterprise Institute. He has been on radio with me, and I often quote from his books and articles. He attempted to diagnose the political division and social upheaval in…

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February 14, 2020
Virginia General Assembly

Penna Dexter During the past decade or so, pro-life state legislators have been passing laws placing commonsense, often very modest, restrictions on abortion.  It’s sad to see a lot of this progress wiped out when a different party comes into power. This is happening right now in the state of Virginia. The new democratic majority in Virginia’s house and senate is working to pass a package of bills that will reverse these protective laws. One bill removes Virginia’s requirement that…

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February 14, 2020
Right in their own eyes

Kerby Anderson Jonah Goldberg reminded his readers of a famous essay by Tom Wolfe entitled “The Great Relearning.” It was an essay about the Summer of Love in 1968 in San Francisco. It had great significance to me since I grew up in the San Francisco area during that time, but it also has significance to all of us concerned about our culture. He said that doctors at the Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic “were treating diseases no living doctor had ever…

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February 13, 2020
The Miracle

Kerby Anderson Jonah Goldberg talks about “The Miracle” in his book, The Suicide of the West. The major focus of his book is on tribalism and populism, but he begins with a description and an explanation of the remarkable change in western societies in the last few centuries. “The Miracle is about more than economics, but economics is the best way to tell the story of humanity’s quantum leap out of its natural environment of poverty.” People used to live…

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February 12, 2020

Kerby Anderson The impeachment trial may now be history, but the Mueller investigation and the impeachment investigation and trial have set new norms for our federal government. Last month Victor Davis Hanson wrote about this in what he called “The New Post-Trump Constitution.” Here are just a few of them. First, private presidential phone calls will be leaked and printed in the media. This is how the impeachment inquiry started, and it seems likely that this will happen again and…

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February 11, 2020
AG Barr w Cardinal Dolan

Kerby Anderson The Attorney General was in the news again because he was talking about the importance of religion in American life. You may remember that William Barr gave a speech at Notre Dame arguing that religious commitment provides the source of virtue and moral discipline necessary for self-government. Although that is true and was considered essential by the founders of this country, there were many secularists who criticized his speech. That was not surprising since he even mentioned in…

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February 10, 2020

Kerby Anderson Last month the Supreme Court allowed the Trump administration to enforce a rule concerning foreign nationals. A separate opinion raised important questions about how one federal judge can stop the government by merely ordering an injunction. The new rule would deny green cards to foreign nationals who use taxpayers-funded social services. As you might imagine, the decision was controversial as evidenced by the fact that it fell along typical 5-4 liberal-conservative lines. The Immigration and Nationality Act dictates…

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