Recent Viewpoints

August 30, 2019
Google Insider speaks

Kerby Anderson Executives at Google may claim that they are not biased against conservatives, but information from engineers who worked for Google tell a different story. One of those engineers is Greg Coppola. He went public last month in an interview with Project Veritas. After that interview, he was put on administrative leave. He explains that the algorithms used by Google “don’t write themselves.” Software programmers “write them to do what we want them to do.” That makes sense to…

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August 29, 2019

Kerby Anderson Most of us are aware that various LGBTQ organizations are working to change culture, but the influence may be even more profound than you might think. Dennis Prager provides five examples of what these organizations are doing to society. First, these organizations are dismantling women’s sports. He begins by talking about the Pacific Games where a man who identifies as a woman took two gold medals and a silver medal in three weightlifting categories. Then he mentions the…

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August 28, 2019
handgun laying on constitution & flag

Kerby Anderson Next week Congress will reconvene and feel the pressure to “do something” about guns and gun violence. Some Democratic presidential candidates have proposed a number of federal gun policies. They range from implementing a mandatory government buy-back program to requiring every American to obtain a federal license to purchase a firearm. Some call for banning “assault weapons” and most call for universal background checks. The members of Congress promoting these various federal gun policies cite a number of…

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August 27, 2019
Lehigh-County City Seal

Kerby Anderson If you ever wonder about the impact a Supreme Court decision on religious liberty can have, you need look no further than Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. The county seal has a number of symbols surrounding the county courthouse. There is a heart, a cow, a grain silo, a factory, and a cross. Well, the Freedom from Religious Foundation had a problem with the cross on the seal and took them to court. A federal district court judge ruled that…

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August 26, 2019
$20 billion bailout - B Sanders

Kerby Anderson Here’s a question for you. If one government program creates a major problem so that you need a government bailout to fix that problem, wouldn’t it make more sense not to implement the government program in the first place? That is the question some are asking about the current proposal known as Medicare for All. Recently, Senator Bernie Sanders proposed a $20 billion federal bailout for struggling hospitals. He announced this plan in Philadelphia because one of the…

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August 23, 2019

Penna Dexter For nearly three years, Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood have been winning championships and breaking records in girls’ high school track across the state of Connecticut. But both athletes are biological males. Connecticut’s policy allows high school athletes who are transgender to compete as the gender with which they identify. So, top female athletes are losing out to biological males, not only on medals and titles, but on opportunities to compete at elite levels and even on consideration…

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August 23, 2019
election security

Kerby Anderson In previous commentaries, I have explained why we need better election security. But that doesn’t mean Congress should pass just any bill that is supposed to increase election security. The US Senate will consider the Safe Act that was passed by the House. The word “safe” stands for “Securing Americans Federal Elections Act.” While the legislation has some positive measures, it also contains many provisions that need to be changed. When the bill was considered in Congress, the…

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August 22, 2019
Volunteers clean Baltimore

Kerby Anderson Earlier this year, conservative activist Scott Presler sent out a call to action asking people to join him in cleaning up trash in Baltimore. More than 170 volunteers worked from 8 am to 8 pm picking up over 12 tons of trash. You would think that picking up trash would not lead to the local paper trashing their efforts. You would be wrong. The editorial board of the Baltimore Sun ran an op-ed that trashed Presler and his group….

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August 21, 2019
Trump listening

Kerby Anderson In the midst of all the criticism of this country and its citizens, I try to provide some positive material. In that vein, I posted an article co-authored by Tucker Carlson that had the hopeful title: “Take a Breath, America is Still a Decent Country Filled with Decent People.” But when it came time to discuss the article, my roundtable guests focused on the stories the two authors gave of what could be called “crazy commentary.” If you…

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August 20, 2019
map - global temps

Kerby Anderson Last month was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth, or was it? A number of news stories proclaimed that the month of July 2019 was even hotter than July 2016. That made it the hottest month on record. Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer argues that July 2019 was not the warmest on record. He acknowledges that it was the hottest based on global average surface air temperatures. But he rightly explains that those temperature measurements have three major…

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August 19, 2019
handguns in a display case

Kerby Anderson In light of the publicized mass shootings, pundits and politicians are calling for action. Certainly, there are some policies that should be considered. However, these policies need to be informed by accurate numbers and statistics. Unfortunately, most Americans believe many things about gun violence that aren’t true. One article that appeared in the Washington Post earlier this year warned that “Most Americans incorrectly think gun-murder rates have gotten worse, not better.” Also, suburban and small-town women had the least…

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