Recent Viewpoints

April 23, 2019
no electoral college - map

Kerby Anderson Last year I wrote about how the state of Connecticut’s vote brought the nation one step closer to dismantling the Electoral College. More than a decade ago, states started passing the National Popular Vote compact. Each state agrees to ignore the votes of its citizens and cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote. The compact only goes into effect when enough states holding 270 electoral votes approve the plan. This attempt to dismantle the…

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April 22, 2019
Dementia Alzheimer

Kerby Anderson Consider this scenario. Your organization (it could be a business or ministry) has as its leader someone who shows what looks like early signs of dementia. He has a family history of Alzheimer’s disease and gets key facts confused and has language skills that are starting to deteriorate. It’s not so hypothetical. I had to face it with my own father and later with a leader of a Christian ministry. What if that leader is the president of…

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April 19, 2019
Ted Cruz subcommittee constitution

Penna Dexter US Senator Ted Cruz is opening an investigation into Yale Law School. No — this is not misplaced Ivy League rivalry. (Senator Cruz is a Harvard Law grad.) The Senator says Yale is discriminating against students with “traditional Christian views.” As Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, Senator Cruz sent a letter to Yale Law School’s Dean Heather Gerken. The letter inquires about the school’s new policy denying financial assistance to students who participate…

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April 19, 2019
Good Friday Gold Crown of Thorns

Kerby Anderson Today is Good Friday. On this day, believers around the world commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We all understand that. What most of us don’t understand is why this dark day in which Jesus suffered and died is called “Good Friday.” Why isn’t it called Bad Friday or Dark Friday? Over the years, people have put forward various theories. Some argue that it is called Good Friday because something good came about because of the death, burial,…

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April 18, 2019
man vs women pay

Kerby Anderson This month is when feminists in America have declared an unofficial holiday known as “Equal Pay Day.” They argue that women earn less than men. Therefore, in order to catch up with a man’s pay from 2018, a woman must work until April. The editors of the Wall Street Journal remind us that the comparison between men’s wages and women’s wages isn’t really accurate when you consider other factors. “Women on average go into lower-paying fields, such as education….

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April 17, 2019
trans track runner in CT

Kerby Anderson Soon every female track record in Connecticut will be held by a transgendered male. Recently two biologically male students finished first and second in the 55-meter dash. Last year, those same two students finished first and second in the 100-meter state track championships. This is a picture of the future, not only in the state of Connecticut, but nationwide and even worldwide. A biological male allowed to compete against women in just about any sport usually has a…

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April 16, 2019
Minimum Wage Helps?

Kerby Anderson Democrats in the House of Representatives are moving a bill that would more than double the national minimum wage to $15. It is all part of the campaign to “Fight for $15” that may do more harm than good. I have documented in previous commentaries there will be winners and losers. The winners are those who receive the bump in pay. The losers will be those who receive a pink slip or aren’t even hired in the first…

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April 15, 2019
Tax day 1040 form

Kerby Anderson Today is Tax Day. But a more important date is Tax Freedom Day. That is the date when your tax burden is lifted. It is calculated by dividing the official government tally of all taxes collected in each year by the amount of all income earned in each year. Put another way, it is when you are no longer working for the government but are now working for yourself and your family. This year Tax Freedom Day occurs…

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April 12, 2019
My Name is Socialist

Penna Dexter Socialism might sound cool to some people right now. But, traditionally, Americans have been hostile to it. Historians attribute between 85 and 100 million deaths to 20th-century communist regimes. Karl Marx’s and Friedrich Engels’ socialism which they described in their Communist Manifesto, implemented by Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and other despots resulted in the destruction of livelihoods, forced famine, and political executions. Of this devastation, philosopher and free market advocate Jay Richards writes,  “Never has an idea had such…

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April 12, 2019
Dennis Prager Prager U

Kerby Anderson Dennis Prager has a phrase that he has been using for some time. He says, “The left ruins everything.” That is the title of a recent Prager U video by him. It surfaced in a recent commentary by him with the title, “How the left keeps me religious.” I really questioned his phrase the first few times I heard him say it. Perhaps it was the realization that every generalization has exceptions. But Dennis Prager is a thoughtful…

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April 11, 2019
Millennials & Socialsim

Kerby Anderson The millennial generation has a much more positive view of socialism than the previous generation. One survey found that a majority (51%) of those aged 18 to 29 had positive feelings about socialism compared to capitalism (41%). There are a number of reasons for their perspective. First, their teachers and textbooks teach about the evils of capitalism. And if that is not enough, the popular media reinforce those ideas. Think of all the movies and TV programs where…

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