Recent Viewpoints

October 3, 2017

Kerby Anderson Americans don’t know much about the Constitution, and it apparently is getting worse. Nine years ago, I wrote and recorded a commentary about constitutional illiteracy. Back then I quoted John Whitehead (Rutherford Institute) who testified before a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee concerning the rule of law. He provided some alarming statistics based upon a survey done about ten years ago. They found that only one in four Americans could name more than one of the freedoms…

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October 2, 2017

Kerby Anderson I think it is fair to say that our culture has managed to politicize just about everything. The last two weeks of NFL football are merely the latest vivid illustration of how everything has become political. This didn’t begin with Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand for the national anthem. And it certainly began long before Donald Trump became president and intensified the debate with his speeches and tweets. And it even began before ESPN decided to act more…

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September 29, 2017

Penna Dexter New national polling by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy shows that fathers have tremendous influence — more influence than mothers — over whether or not their daughters engage in premarital sex. This is an organization that assumes teens will have uncommitted sex and is all about promoting birth control to teens. Kudos to them for highlighting this crucial conclusion revealed in their study. The group’s CEO, Ginny Erlich writes that “dads can provide positive…

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September 29, 2017

Kerby Anderson Not only is the U.S. government in debt, but many of its citizens are in significant debt as well. Economists announced that credit card debt for Americans has now reached a new height of $1.02 trillion. Matt Schultz is a senior industry analyst at He says, “This record should serve as a wake-up call to Americans to focus on their credit card debt.” He adds, “Even if you feel your debt is manageable right now, know that…

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September 28, 2017

Kerby Anderson When the U.S. debt officially reached $20 trillion, some listeners asked who owns this debt. In the past, we were assured that the national debt wasn’t a big deal since “we owe it to ourselves.” I didn’t think that comment was very reassuring then. It simply isn’t true now. The U.S. borrows heavily from foreign countries, especially the Chinese. And this creates the first problem: foreign influence. One former member of Congress put it this way, “whoever pays…

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September 27, 2017

Kerby Anderson For the last five years, First Liberty Institute has published a document with the title, Undeniable: The Survey of Hostility to Religion in America. It provides an overview of the various documented examples of religious hostility. The idea for the document came from testimony given to a U.S. Senate subcommittee. After some of the examples of religious hostility were presented, some of the senators asked if the testimonies represented more than just a few isolated incidents. Back then,…

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September 26, 2017

Kerby Anderson Two years ago, I did a commentary about a Christian T-shirt company that was sued because the owner declined to print a message that conflicted with his biblical perspective. I recently found out much more about Blaine Adamson and wanted to tell you the rest of his story. Five years ago, a customer who came to his company, Hands on Originals, sued him when he declined to print a message that promoted homosexuality. Blaine says that he got…

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September 25, 2017

Kerby Anderson This month 15 Democratic senators signed on to what has been dubbed “Medicare for All.” The bill was introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders and is an attempt to promote nationalized health care by linking it to a relatively popular governmental program. The name sounds like something created and tested in a focus group. “Medicare for All” sounds nice, but it could just as easily be called “VA for All.” But with all the problems at government-run VA hospitals,…

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September 22, 2017

Penna Dexter U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy De Vos announced she’ll roll back an Obama-era guidance document that weakened due process rights of those accused of sexual assault on college campuses. Under this guidance, school, not law enforcement authorities, are tasked with determining an accused student’s guilt and punishment. Colleges and universities refusing to set up tribunals for this purpose have been threatened with loss of federal funding. Under this system, accused students who are innocent often face biased, unfair…

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September 22, 2017

Kerby Anderson Overall it has been a disappointing summer for Hollywood, but one movie recently provided a significant bump in box offices sales. The movie It is an adaptation of Stephen King’s 1986 novel and broke many box office records for September. Why is a scary movie doing so well in theaters? There are many theories. First, there was the buildup to the movie after the first trailer was released in March. It set a record with 197 million global…

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September 21, 2017
Millennial Trends

Kerby Anderson According to a new U.S. Census Bureau report, the millennial generation has been reversing some of the social trends that were true of previous generations. For example about one third of all millennials still live with their parents. They also apparently rely on them financially as well. The millennial generation is also postponing marriage, having children later, and buying homes later. Instead, they are pursuing education and various job opportunities. Many of these reversed trends have taken place…

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