Recent Viewpoints

May 10, 2017

Kerby Anderson President Trump has been working to block the regulatory tidal wave that has been crashing on the shores of small businesses over the last decade. The last year President Obama was in office, his administration issued 3,853 final rules. This was the most in the last 11 years. To put all of this in perspective, consider that federal agencies issue 18 rules and regulations for every law approved by Congress. President Trump has used two strategies to reduce…

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May 9, 2017

Kerby Anderson During our Millennial Round Table discussion on radio, one of the co-hosts noticed on his phone that ESPN was laying off 100 people. At the time, I thought there were probably at least two reasons for this executive decision. First, millennials aren’t as likely to watch ESPN since they feel they can get anything they need for free from the Internet. And second, many people have turned off ESPN because their left-wing politics is turning them off. These…

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May 8, 2017

Kerby Anderson The ruling by Judge William Orrick on sanctuary cities has been portrayed in two different ways. Either it was one more example of the federal judiciary striking down federal overreach by President Trump or it was a ruling that will have little impact on what this administration does through the Justice Department and Homeland Security. Former Assistant United States Attorney and columnist Andrew McCarthy argues that it is “A Ruling About Nothing.” That is easy to explain. By…

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May 5, 2017

Penna Dexter It’s prom season 2017, and it’s worth noting that going to the prom is becoming an increasingly complex endeavor. There are some lovely traditions that have arisen, like inviting parents to the pre-prom picture-taking party. And some safer ones, like transporting prom-goers in limos or buses. Prom presents an opportunity for students to exhibit organizational skills their parents never knew they possessed. Prom night is often a tightly-scheduled series of pre-and post-prom parties, with the actual prom landing…

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May 5, 2017

Kerby Anderson Last week I talked about concerns about Islamic indoctrination in the public schools. Apparently the problem is much worse, at least according to a recent article by Nancy Flory on The Latest in the Radical Indoctrination of Public Schools. She is the associate editor of “The Stream” which is where her article appears. Students in a Florida middle school brought home a disturbing survey. The teacher asked her students to answer questions about different situations. These sixth graders…

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May 4, 2017

By Kerby Anderson Today is the National Day of Prayer. It is a vital part of our American heritage. The first call to prayer happened before the American Revolution. In 1775, the Continental Congress called on the colonists to pray for wisdom as they considered how they would respond to the King of England. Perhaps one of the most powerful calls to prayer came from President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. In 1863, he issued a proclamation for a…

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May 3, 2017

Kerby Anderson Tax day this year landed on April 18, but I took the time to remind my listeners that the more important day was April 23. That is Tax Freedom Day. According to the Tax Foundation, that is the day when the average American has paid all of his or her taxes (federal, state, and local). Of course, this varies by state. Tax Freedom Day for people in Mississippi lands on April 5 but doesn’t come until May 21…

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May 2, 2017

Kerby Anderson Tires and religious liberty don’t seem like topics that would go together. But a religious dispute over playground surfaces made its way to the Supreme Court two weeks ago. Trinity Lutheran Church in Missouri applied to a state grant program to resurface its playground with recycled rubber. Although the application ranked high in the list of applicants, the state used its Blaine Amendment to turn them down. The Blaine Amendment is named for Senator James Blaine who proposed…

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May 1, 2017

Kerby Anderson Campus riots and protests have been successful in canceling or interrupting speeches by Milo Yiannopoulos, Charles Murray, Heather MacDonald, David Horowitz, and Ann Coulter. As we get closer to commencement proceedings, other speakers will be disinvited because of the fear of violence. This will continue until rioters are prosecuted and students who engage in violence are expelled. The common explanation for this behavior on campus is that the millennial generation is the “snowflake generation.” While that may be…

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April 28, 2017

Penna Dexter Vice President Mike Pence is scheduled to be the commencement speaker at the University of Notre Dame this year. But two snowflake types in Notre Dame’s senior class say that, because he represents the Trump administration, the vice president’s presence on campus will make them feel “unsafe.” Notre Dame often invites newly elected presidents to address the graduates, but — well — there was this petition against inviting President Trump. Besides, Mike Pence is the perfect choice. He’s…

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April 28, 2017

Kerby Anderson The new book by David Green has the arresting title, Giving It All Away. He is the founder of Hobby Lobby and tells the story of his success and calls for Christians to give generously to churches and other ministries. He was on my radio program last week, and we talked about Hobby Lobby, the Museum of the Bible, and their court case that went all the way to the Supreme Court. The Green family has been at…

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