Kerby Anderson We have heard quite a bit these days about fake news, but what about fake science? That is the title of the book by Austin Ruse. He has served as the president of the Center for Family & Human Rights where he testifies to our government and the United Nations about important issues. He was on my radio program recently to talk about some of the misinformation and false information presented in the media and in various governmental…

Recent Viewpoints
Penna Dexter It’s been over two years since the Supreme Court handed down its decision, in Obergefell vs Hodges, in which it found a sweeping “right” to same-sex marriage nationwide. Right away, my pastor preached a clear and concise sermon about what to do if you’re invited to a same sex “wedding.” He had already prepared the church to remain true to the biblical definition of marriage: the union between one man and one woman. But this shepherd, like many…
Kerby Anderson Earlier this month, Jonah Goldberg wrote a column and other writers are still quoting one of his lines. He said: “The more you sound like some cowbell-wielding street preacher wearing a sandwich board that says, ‘The End is Nigh!’ the more likely people will ignore you.” It’s a vivid image of a street preacher but he uses it to criticize the hysterical rhetoric being used by environmentalists these days. He says that one of the hallmarks of the…
Kerby Anderson Columnist Kyle Smith says that the Left have a hamburger problem. Let me explain. He borrows the phrase from Josh Barro who coined the phrase to explain why progressives and Democrats seem to be losing so much. He writes, “Democrats’ problem isn’t that they’re on the wrong side of policy issues. It’s that they’re too ready to bother too many ordinary people about too many of their personal choices, all the way down to the hamburgers they eat.”…
Kerby Anderson We need to help the next generation learn to navigate the culture. That is why I am so excited that John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle have written, A Practical Guide to Culture. The rowboat on the cover reminds us that this emerging generation will have to navigate through choppy waters. John was on my radio program recently to talk about the book and share his experiences from Summit Ministries and the Chuck Colson Center. Both of the authors…
Kerby Anderson David Brooks took on the difficult task of reminding us that class distinctions in America do make a difference. For that he was pilloried in the social media. He was trying to explain how the privileged elite are “ruining” America. He unfortunately came off to some as an example of another privileged elite. He may have fared better if he had not mentioned taking a friend (with only a high school education) to a sandwich shop that has…
Penna Dexter Calls for $15 hourly minimum wage laws are being answered in certain places across the country. Just this July 1st, 17 states and localities increased their wage floors. The idea of requiring companies to pay a so-called living wage sounds compassionate, but it’s not. Seattle started phasing in a $15 minimum three years ago and there’s little to celebrate. It’s hurting low-wage workers. A University of Washington study shows business establishments are simply cutting workers’ hours to compensate….
Kerby Anderson If you ask people around you about summer jobs they have held, you will notice a generation gap. The older people will recall some of the jobs they held as teenagers. The younger people may not have had any summer jobs. Forty years ago, nearly 60 percent of U.S. teenagers were working or looking for work during the summer months. Last year, that percentage was just 35 percent. Some of that decline is due to the lack of…
Kerby Anderson If you are on any social media, you have probably seen the many memes people have produced about Denmark. Some claim that Denmark has free healthcare and free college. All of them remind us that Denmark is the happiest country in the world. All sorts of articles and blog post challenge many of these claims. In fact, I feel sorry for people from Denmark because some of criticisms are very harsh. Let me say that if you live…
Kerby Anderson All the talk about possible collusion with Russia sometimes obscures the need for us to think clearly about Russia. In particular, I am talking about the leadership in Russia not the Russian people. The Russian people may be very nice, but their leader (Vladimir Putin) is another story. Colonel Allen West asks a good question. When did Russia become a threat? Most everyone considers it a threat now, but where were these critics just a few years ago?…
Kerby Anderson If you want to understand why the debate over Obamacare isn’t going well, all you need to do is look at the debate about Medicaid. In a recent commentary, Michael Tanner says: “Democrats have dug in over any change to the current program, solemnly declaring that changing so much as a comma or semicolon in the ACA’s expansion of the program would immediately sentence millions of children to death.” Obviously, we can’t have a productive debate if we…