Kerby Anderson Economic inequality is one of the themes that have run through the presidential debates and congressional races. Edward Conard has been challenging many of the myths surrounding this debate. That is why I had him on my radio program to talk about his new book, The Upside of Inequality: How Good Intentions Undermine the Middle Class. Four years ago, he wrote the controversial bestseller, Unintended Consequences, which attempted to set the record straight on the 2008 financial crisis….

Recent Viewpoints
Penna Dexter In June of this year, the U.S. Department of Defense lifted longstanding regulations preventing people who self-identify as transgender from serving. CNN reported that Secretary of Defense Ash Carter had been “studying the issue for nearly a year.” Secretary Carter held a press conference at the Pentagon to announce the change which will mean, that in cases where doctors deem it medically necessary, the military will pay for a service member’s hormone therapy or even sex-change surgery. According…
Kerby Anderson Don’t believe everything you read. That has always been true, but it is especially important to remember now that there are so many fake news sites. A number of left-leaning bloggers have been planting fake news in order to trick conservatives into sharing it so they can then ridicule them. One fake news site admitted to especially targeting Tea Party types since they can sometimes be fairly gullible. People who land on the site think it is legitimate…
Kerby Anderson The percentage of teenagers suffering from hearing loss has jumped by a third in little over a decade. That is the conclusion of researchers writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association. They drew numbers from the government’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Adjusting for factors such as age, race, and exposure to infections that could damage the ear, they found a slow but significant rise in hearing loss. The researchers were unwilling to jump to…
Kerby Anderson Politicians complaining about Ford’s decision to build small cars in Mexico might want to look at the government’s policies that forced this decision. Merrill Matthews in a recent column points to two issues that explain why Ford will be moving its small car production south of the border. First there are the CAFE standards. These are the Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards that all car manufacturers must meet. U.S. automobile manufacturers sell many more light duty trucks and…
Kerby Anderson In just a few days, the nation’s strictest LGBT non-discrimination laws will go into effect in Massachusetts. According to the latest pronouncements from the state government, even churches and Christian schools will be affected since they are defined as public accommodations. Any accommodation must allow patrons to use men’s or women’s restrooms as well as locker rooms and changing rooms that are “consistent with their gender identity.” Moreover, it requires that these venues must also “use names, pronouns,…
Penna Dexter The Left expends considerable time, energy and money to marginalize and downplay the contribution of religion to the culture. The honest progressive might want to consider the latest research. A major new study shows that religion actually has a positive impact on the American economy. The research, released in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion, shows that the country has never been more dependent on the contributions of people of faith to society, particularly from a socio-economic…
Kerby Anderson The leaders of many of the national sports organizations have been promoting social justice especially when it comes to the homosexual agenda and transgender issues. The primary target this last year has been North Carolina. The NBA pulled its All-Star game from Charlotte. The NFL said that it will continue to fight North Carolina’s bathroom privacy bill. The latest action by the NCAA shouldn’t come as any surprise. They decided to pull seven championship events from the Tar…
Kerby Anderson Sometimes I hear from a caller worried that our voting machines might be hacked and therefore should be monitored. Well, be careful what you wish for. Now some in the Obama administration are using the unlikely possibility that Russia could hack into our voting machines to justify putting federal agents in our voting areas. John Fund is a columnist for National Review and the author of Stealing Elections. Hans von Spakovsky is a former member of the Federal…
Kerby Anderson Most Americans are familiar with the comments last week by Hillary Clinton that half of Donald Trump’s supporters are a “basket of deplorables” that are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.” Few are probably aware of the statements by Martin Castro directed at an even larger portion of the American population. Martin Castro is the chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, an institution that did good work in the past by ending racial discrimination. Lately is has…
Kerby Anderson As I have mentioned in previous commentaries, the Obama administration sent directives to all school districts requiring them to permit transgender students to use bathroom facilities and locker rooms of their choice. The president and his liberal allies in the press are unhappy that nearly half of the states are fighting this directive. That is why Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton wrote a column defending what he and 23 other states are doing in challenging this administration. Even…