Recent Viewpoints

July 20, 2016

by  Kerby Anderson Two weeks ago, the Dallas police used their bomb-disposal robot to end the standoff with the cop killer. Does this unprecedented use of a police robot signal a change in the way technology will be used to fight crime in the future? I think that is does. Police departments have been willing to embrace any technological advance that keeps officers safe and helps them more efficiently fight crime. GPS, cameras, and laptops can be found in most…

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July 19, 2016

by Kerby Anderson One pastor in Iowa has accused the government of “meddling in religious affairs.” Pastor Cary Gordon is concerned that the Iowa Civil Rights Commission brochure on sexual orientation and gender identity defines churches as public accommodations. Thus, all the sexual orientation anti-discrimination laws may apply to his church and any other church. The brochure has a section titled, “Does this law apply to churches?” The answer that it gives is: “sometimes.” It goes on to explain that…

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July 15, 2016

by Penna Dexter The federal government and state and local governments across the nation have been busy lately forcing upon businesses, schools, and public entities their version of non-discrimination which includes affirmation of all sexual orientations, and anyone’s chosen gender identity. Amidst all the controversy about these sexual orientation and gender identity bathroom laws, we have taken one thing for granted: Churches are exempt from these laws and requirements and their associated legal penalties. But an unprecedented mandate surfaced in…

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July 15, 2016

by Kerby Anderson Is America great? Was America great? It looks like we will be having a debate about those questions for the next few months. During the Fourth of July weekend, many on the Left used the #AmericaWasNeverGreat hashtag on social media. While most of us were celebrating this nation’s founding, liberals and progressives were making long lists of America’s sins. Of course these critics have every right to do so. That’s what the First Amendment is all about….

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July 14, 2016

by Kerby Anderson One of the themes that seems to run through my radio program and my radio commentaries is the sad realization that our laws seem to apply differently depending on whether you are the elite or just common folks. Earlier this week, I talked about how leaders in the European Union or in the United States are not affected by the laws and policies that influence the rest of us. We had another example last week when the…

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July 13, 2016

by  Kerby Anderson “If this is a sign of how religious liberty claims will be treated in the years ahead, those who value religious freedom have cause for great concern.” That is the chilling statement from Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in his critical dissent. He is troubled that the Supreme Court decided not to hear an important case involving religious freedom of conscience. The case involved a Christian-owned pharmacy that did not want to dispense abortion-causing drugs such as…

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July 11, 2016

by Kerby Anderson Voters are discovering that the political elites are passing laws and making policies that only affect the common folk. Put another way elites don’t have to live under the laws they pass and policies they make. The vote last month on Brexit illustrates this. Victor Davis Hanson reminds us in a column that: Anti-Brexit Elites Aren’t the Ones Who Suffer from Their Policies. He says that the bureaucratic class that runs Europe from Brussels and Strasbourg will…

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July 8, 2016

By Penna Dexter In 1960 5.3 percent of all births in America were to unmarried women. In 2015 40.2 percent of births were out of wedlock. These facts are pretty persistent recently and — well — they’re just disturbing — and depressing. Among non-Hispanic blacks the out-of-wedlock birthrate is 70.4 percent. Hispanics had a 52.9 percent out-of-wedlock birthrate for 2015. And among non-Hispanic whites, it’s 29.2 percent.     These statistics represent children mostly being raised in far less-than-ideal circumstances. Co-habitation has…

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July 8, 2016

by Kerby Anderson When Congress returns from a summer break, you have to wonder whether protest politics will once again be on display. Two weeks ago several House Democrats literally sat on the floor of the House of Representatives and demanded a vote on gun control measures that could not be passed in the U.S. Senate. What started with about 40 members grew to more than 170 including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. We have seen this before in other legislative…

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July 7, 2016
baby feet

by Kerby Anderson Pro-life groups and legislators wonder what they can do next in light of the Supreme Court decision last week. The 5-3 decision that struck down the legislation in Texas left little room for any future pro-life legislation. The court’s ruling prevented the state of Texas from regulating the health and safety standards of abortion clinics. It also struck down the common sense requirement that a physician performing an abortion also have admitting privileges in a hospital within…

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July 5, 2016

by Kerby Anderson Do we have evidence that strict gun control laws reduce the murder rate? This is a question economist Thomas Sowell asks us to contemplate. He explains that this “is not an esoteric question, nor one for which no empirical evidence is available.” After all, we have crime statistics from all 50 states that have very different gun control laws. The fact that you rarely hear a gun control advocate cite such data should tell you something. Sometimes…

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