Recent Viewpoints

February 5, 2016

Americans do seem to like gambling. Look at all the people who raced to the local convenience stores to buy a ticket for the recent Powerball. State lotteries still seem to be going strong. Many analysts believe that as much as $120 million might be bet on the Super Bowl. So who is the biggest winner when it comes to gambling? The easy answer is the government. Consider the recent Powerball jackpot of $1.5 billion. There were three winners each…

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February 4, 2016

When people talk about our problem with immigration usually they are talking about people who cross our borders illegally. But there is another problem that deserves our attention. That is the problem of foreigners who come to this country legally on a visa but remain after their visas expire. If you think this is a small problem, then you need to look at the new report from the Department of Homeland Security. It concludes that almost 500,000 foreigners who traveled…

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February 3, 2016
bernie sanders

Many are asking why Senator Bernie Sanders has been doing fairly well in the race for president. His campaign message resonates with lots of people. For example, he had said that within the first year of taking office, he would break up this country’s largest banks and insurance companies. He would direct his Secretary of the Treasury to compile a list of financial institutions that were “too big to fail.” Then he would disband them. Millions of Americans who went…

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February 2, 2016

During one of the Democratic Presidential Debates, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was asked about the ongoing email scandal. Senator Bernie Sanders jumped in and declared that the “American people are sick and tired of hearing about your [blank] emails!” That was months ago, it might no longer be true. The periodic document dumps from Mrs. Clinton’s server are raising more questions every day. She has insisted, “I did not send classified information and I did not receive any…

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February 1, 2016

Talk about New York values! New York City officials are now supposed to fine people for doing something called misgendering. Under a legal guidance set forth by the city’s Human Rights Commission, the city will now fine people $125,000 to $250,000 for addressing a transgender by the wrong pronoun or for refusing to let transgenders take advantage of single-sex facilities or programs. One religious liberties attorney said, ”You can be fined up to $250,000 if you use the pronoun ‘he’…

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February 1, 2016
row of voting booths

Today is the official beginning of the election season with the Iowa caucus. Over the next few months every state will have either a primary or caucus. A few states will have both a primary and a closed caucus. The election this year will most likely determine the future of this country. The next president will appoint 2-3 Supreme Court Justices and tip the balance of the court one way or the other. The next Congress will consider whether it…

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January 29, 2016

I am starting to see a proliferation of bumper sticker that calls for all of us to “CO-EXIST.” Often they are on cars with a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker, but you can also find them on other cars as well. The primary message of the bumper sticker is to the religious communities. On the “CO-EXIST” bumper sticker, the letters are formed primarily by various religions. For example, the “C” is the Muslim crescent. The “O” is the peace sign. The…

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January 28, 2016

In previous commentaries I have documented through various surveys that pastors and church leaders often are not addressing the important issue of the sanctity of life. There are a number of reasons for that, but one significant one is that they don’t quite know how to present the material. Dave Sterrett has solved that problem with his book, video series, and website with the name “We Choose Life.” The video series is a small group study with training and a…

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January 27, 2016

In his last State of the Union address, President Obama set an ambitious goal to cure cancer. The previous year, Vice President Biden said that with a new moonshot, America could cure cancer. That is what President Obama called for this nation to do. Although I applaud the goal, it is worth looking at some of the medical facts that will make it hard to achieve the goal set forth by the president. First, cancer isn’t a single disease. The…

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January 26, 2016

Common Core has not been a popular education program for many adults. It is likely to become even more unpopular now that undercover videos have been released. The account executive at one publisher explained, “It was never about the kids.” She went on to explain that it was about the money. She even suggests that changing the name from Common Core to something else might help publishers make even more money. If you are not familiar with Common Core, that…

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January 25, 2016

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz has been on talk shows expressing his concerns about the censorship that is taking place on college campuses. As I have mentioned in previous commentaries, it is helpful when someone who would disagree with you on everything from politics to theology at least agrees with your concerns about what is happening in the universities these days. He was on Fox & Friends last week to comment on the growing intolerance of the left and began…

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