Recent Viewpoints

February 19, 2016

If you fly with any regularity, you probably have at least one or two “horror” stories about your experience with the TSA. For nearly all of us, it is a minor inconvenience. Sometimes it could be quite a bit more serious. Months ago, the inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security wrote that the vetting process used in hiring TSA workers is faulty. The inspector general found that the TSA did not identify 73 individuals with terrorism-related category codes….

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February 18, 2016

When Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary last week, one of the commentators talked about how the senator believes there is a conspiracy afoot. He argues that the reason we have so much income inequality is due to the fact that the billionaire class has “rigged” the economy. He makes it sound like this is a uniquely American problem. It is not. You can find similar gains by the “one percent” in places like Canada, the U.K., and some…

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February 17, 2016

What do we want from a president? Actually voters seem to want everything but will have to settle for something far less. Evangelical Christians would like a president who has faith and is religious in a way they support. Fortunately, Professor Thomas Kidd has put together five qualities of what he calls “the perfect religious president.” First, he says that the perfect religious president should have an active faith that is detached from his or her role as a candidate…

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February 16, 2016
Wall Street sign with US flags

When candidates say they will work for the common person, voters are often skeptical. This is especially true when the politicians have close connections with Wall Street. This is the current problem for Hillary Clinton. In one of the Democratic Presidential debates, she tried to explain to the moderator and audience why she was paid $675,000 in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs. It did not go well. Most Americans believe that when a company pays you that amount of money…

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February 15, 2016
Jefferson and Islam

Earlier this month when President Obama visited a mosque, he gave a message of “religious tolerance and unity.” He talked about how “Islam has always been part of America.” He even pointed out that: “Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Virginia statute for religious freedom that the Mohammedan should have his faith protected in the United States.” While that is true, there is another part of the Thomas Jefferson story that most Americans do not know. Our third president actually declared…

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February 12, 2016

One thing that makes Israel such a wonderful destination for the Christian is that things the believer knows to be true are affirmed there and illustrated in sharp relief. You expect that to happen when you walk where Jesus walked and when you view with your own eyes the places described in both the Old and New Testaments. But Israel is also a land of the unexpected. On a recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land, my second within 15 months,…

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February 11, 2016

Over the last few weeks, Nebraska senator Ben Sasse has been using Twitter to ask presidential candidate Donald Trump some pointed questions. After about a week of these, Trump decided to answer with a short insult rather than address some of the important constitutional questions. This led to an interview Chuck Todd on MSNBC did with Ben Sasse in which he asked him to define conservatism. The Senator’s short answer has gone viral because it is succinct and profound. He…

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February 8, 2016

When a company decides to move its headquarters overseas, we hear politicians criticize the move but ignore the reason they moved. The latest source of political complaints came when Johnson Controls decided to merge with Tyco. Hillary Clinton called the merger “outrageous. Bernie Sanders is calling the executives “corporate deserters.” The editors at the Wall Street Journal once again tried to explain in simple English why companies are doing this. The politicians who denounce these companies are also the ones…

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February 5, 2016

There’s a new type of law sweeping the nation: the SOGI law. SOGI stands for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. These laws, which are being enacted in localities and in states, create new protected classes based upon sexual orientation and gender identity. And they punish citizens who persist in treating people according to the scientific and orthodox position that maleness and femaleness are determined by biology and that marriage is between one man and one woman. These norms, mainstream just…

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February 5, 2016

Americans do seem to like gambling. Look at all the people who raced to the local convenience stores to buy a ticket for the recent Powerball. State lotteries still seem to be going strong. Many analysts believe that as much as $120 million might be bet on the Super Bowl. So who is the biggest winner when it comes to gambling? The easy answer is the government. Consider the recent Powerball jackpot of $1.5 billion. There were three winners each…

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February 4, 2016

When people talk about our problem with immigration usually they are talking about people who cross our borders illegally. But there is another problem that deserves our attention. That is the problem of foreigners who come to this country legally on a visa but remain after their visas expire. If you think this is a small problem, then you need to look at the new report from the Department of Homeland Security. It concludes that almost 500,000 foreigners who traveled…

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