On this Easter weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to reflect on the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. The prophets proclaimed that He would come to save the people. Jesus did this with His birth, death, burial, and resurrection. The Bible is unique in many ways, especially when it comes to fulfilled prophecy. At the time when it was written, 27 percent (1800 verses) of the Bible was prophetic. Large portions of those prophecies have been fulfilled, and…

Recent Viewpoints
Secularism is advancing in the west often because people are easily intimidated and unwilling to take a stand for religious liberty. One person who took a stand is Superintendent Michael Gilbert. The Freedom from Religion Foundation learned that Principal Dan Noll of White Oak High School would offer his “Thoughts of the Day” with the morning announcements. Since some included a quote from the Bible, they sent a letter to the superintendent thinking that would scare the school district into…
Perhaps homosexual activists believe they have been victorious and can now be more honest about their agenda. In the past, many would deny there is a gay agenda. Now they are talking about it openly. At least they are talking about it in Canada. Bear Bergman is a Canadian activist who recently said he was tired of hiding his true agenda. “I am here to tell you: All that time I said I wasn’t indoctrinating anyone with my beliefs about…
The book, Heather Has Two Mommies was published 25 years ago and was one of the first books to promote a positive view of lesbian parenthood. Now that a new version of the book has hit the market, some who were raised by lesbian mothers are starting to speak out and give a different perspective. Heather Barwick used to be an advocate for homosexual marriage when she was in her 20’s. Now in her 30s she has had a change…
A few weeks ago, I talked about the current trend by some commentators to minimize terrorism. Perhaps they are doing it because they don’t want Americans to over-react to terrorist acts on social media videos. Then I talked about how some commentators and even politicians want to minimize Muslim terrorism. Again, that might be so that Americans don’t paint all Muslims with a terrorist brush. I understand all of that, but think that often these attempts to minimize the risk…
Honest words are being spoken by a couple of famous homosexuals and several young adults raised by same-sex couples. The creators of the Dolce and Gabbana clothing line — once a gay power couple and still very successful business partners — are getting some flack for defending the natural family. In an interview with the Italian magazine, Panorama, Stefano Gabbana said, “The only family is the traditional one.” He told the interviewer, “The family is not a fad. In it…
In previous commentaries, I have talked about big data. Recently I read a column that predicted that big data might soon have a big problem. That problem will be storage space. The Internet is growing so fast that a few years from now, we won’t have enough storage for all the data we are collecting. Gary Gentry at the digital storage manufacturer Seagate estimates that the world is going to need about sex zettabytes of storage capacity by 2020. At…
One of the buzzwords in business and government these days is “big data.” We are able to collect and analyze information in ways never before possible. This gives trend watchers, businesses, corporations, and governments the ability to understand the world in new and more accurate ways. On the other hand, big data represents some significant challenges for us. There is a greater potential for privacy invasion and personal exposure. Mistakes in data collection or analysis can even result in damaging…
Generosity is good for the soul. Now, you might merely think that is a spiritual lesson. But there is growing evidence that actually people who donate to charity are happier and healthier. That’s the conclusion of Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute. I have quoted from him and his book, Who Really Cares? He wrote that many years ago when he was a professor at Syracuse University. He has continued to follow giving patterns and discovered even more…
In our modern world we take for granted that people should have compassion for one another. But that was not always the case. Compassion from the Christians in the Roman Empire demonstrated the love of Christ and also set the standard for our modern view of compassion. James 2 encourages us to meet the physical needs of a brother or sister who is “ill-clad and in lack of daily food.” We are not to say to them to “go in…
One action Eric Holder took as he was leaving the office of attorney general was to issue an official memorandum that creates special employment status for “transgendered” persons under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Meanwhile other state officials and legislatures have also extended similar rights to men and women who have changed or are changing their gender identity. If you wonder what the implications are to such actions, you need only see what happened in a…