Recent Viewpoints

October 16, 2023
US federal reserve & EU Central Bank-buildings

Kerby Anderson The financial system in this country, and in the world, is based on trust. When you write a check, the shopkeeper must trust that you have money in the bank. When a major corporation sends ten million dollars to another company in another country, it assumes that the money being sent exists. Of course, there are checks in the system to make sure that the funds are transferred correctly. But some of the trust we have had is…

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October 13, 2023
girls protest boys in their sports

Penna Dexter There’s nothing like a looming re-election battle to derail, or at least delay, a politician’s campaign promises — especially radical ones like allowing men to compete in female sports. In July 2022, the Biden Administration released a proposed revision to Title IX that effectively forces every school district to allow transgender athletes to compete in school sports. This means biological men on women’s teams and in their locker rooms. The Washington Stand points to the latest Gallop poll on…

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October 13, 2023
transhumanism black transhuman woman

Kerby Anderson Over the last few years, we have heard more pundits and futurists talk about transhumanism. It is an intellectual and cultural movement that seeks to transform the human condition. The leaders of this movement want to use the developing technologies to eliminate aging and enhance human potential. Two primary ways they want to do this is through genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. They want to genetically create “the new man,” and they want to use technology to merge…

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October 12, 2023

Kerby Anderson The First Amendment has 45 words that provide free speech, a free press, and religious liberty. Most Americans say they approve of the First Amendment free speech protections, but there are some concerning issues once you start asking additional questions. Nearly all Americans (91%) think First Amendment protection for freedom of speech is a good thing. But it becomes clear that Democrats and younger voters are more likely to support governmental regulation of speech, especially on social media….

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October 11, 2023
1st Amendment First

Kerby Anderson Since the founding of this country, we have had public officials quote Bible verses. But apparently that tradition can no longer exist in some areas of the country. An Arizona school board member is under fire because she recited a verse of Scripture. Heather Rooks is a member of the Peoria Unified School District and was about to respond to questions and concerns from parents. She decided to quote an inspirational verse from the Bible. Her hope was…

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October 10, 2023
Auburn Student gets baptized

Kerby Anderson You have probably heard about the mass baptisms that took place at Auburn University. I heard about it when I was out of the country. While I was baptizing people in the Sea of Galilee, Auburn Coach Hugh Freeze was baptizing some of his players. Who could possibly be opposed to that? As you might have guessed, the Freedom from Religion Foundation sent a letter to the university warning that the baptisms in September were a clear violation…

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October 9, 2023
worker arranges produce in DC market

Kerby Anderson Inflation and high interest rates are making it harder for Americans to navigate the current economy and still be able to pay their bills. At a time when the administration keeps promoting the benefits of Bidenomics, most Americans aren’t having a positive experience. Here are some economic facts and figures that illustrate why Americans are facing difficult economic decisions. These are available on the Internet, but I have provided a link to an article by Jim Geraghty who…

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October 6, 2023
school choice

Penna Dexter It was hard fought, but North Carolina recently became the 10th state to approve a universal school choice program. The effort began in 2013 with the creation of North Carolina’s Opportunity Scholarships. Now, the legislature has expanded the program to grant eligibility to all students in the state, though the amount of the scholarship declines for higher-income families. Families can use the assistance for the schooling of their choice, including private school tuition, instructional materials, and homeschooling expenses….

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October 6, 2023
gloved worker holding hundreds of ballots

Kerby Anderson As we get closer to the election season with primaries and a general election, we should once again consider how to prevent election fraud. The goal should always be to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. Yet whenever the discussion turns toward preventing election fraud, it is often met with the response that this is a solution in search of a problem. We are told there is very little voter fraud, and when it exists…

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October 5, 2023

Kerby Anderson Whenever there is a discussion about immigration and border security, proponents of open borders assure us that the vast majority of migrants are just coming for a better life. That is probably true. But when you point out that many may be coming for nefarious reasons, they may reluctantly admit that a few that have been caught at the border were on a terrorist watch list. But those are very few compared to the millions who have crossed…

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October 4, 2023
illegal immigrants bussed to NY sit outside NY hotel

Kerby Anderson Although there have been numerous attempts by this administration and certain members of Congress to assure us that our border is secure, most Americans can see that is not true. At least 7 million-8 million illegal immigrants have come into this country since the beginning of the Biden administration. The American people can see the numbers and the strain the mass of immigrants is having on social services around the country. Even the New York mayor, who used…

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