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Country’s Direction

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Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

As the year of 2023 is winding down and we are heading into the election season of 2024, one thing is certain: most Americans are concerned about our nation’s future. An ABC News/Ipsos survey found that more than 75 percent of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Some commentators looking at that poll even wonder why the remaining 25 percent aren’t also concerned about America’s direction. Consumers are paying more for gas, food, and energy. Mortgage rates are higher than when President Biden took office. War has broken out in two major areas of the world, while military threats loom in other parts of the world.

Yesterday, I talked about the cost and concerns about the border and immigration. The only group that seems to be benefitting from our open border are the cartels. One headline recently announced, “Smuggling migrants to the US is a booming business.” Another story explained that cartels are “specializing in logistics, transportation, surveillance, and more, resulting in revenues up to $13 billion.”

The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll asked registered voters, “How concerned are you about the situation at the border?” They found that 82 percent were concerned (with 47 percent very concerned and an additional 35 percent somewhat concerned).

The response from the current administration has been that their message about the economy and the border isn’t getting through. But the facts about our current direction seem to be getting through to most Americans. They feel the rising costs of goods and services. And they suspect that allowing more than 6 million illegal aliens into this country cannot be good for them or the country.

It will be hard to make the case next year during election season that “steady as she goes” is the best policy for this nation.viewpoints new web version

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