Recent Viewpoints

March 25, 2022
millennials standing - torsos

Kerby Anderson George Barna has been doing an extensive inventory of the worldviews of Americans through the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. He was on my radio program recently to talk about two of his most recent surveys dealing with truth and morality. Past generations of Americans viewed God as the basis for truth. Not only has that changed for the general population, it has also changed significantly within the church. He found that there were certain groups…

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March 24, 2022
Putin & head of Russian Orthodox Church

Kerby Anderson Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is laced with religious elements. In fact, you could argue that in many ways it is a religious war. That is the perspective of David French as he quotes from several sources. One is former National Security Agency analyst John Schindler, who wrote about “Putin’s Orthodox Jihad.” He explains that the Russian Orthodox Church “depicts a West that is declining down to its death at the hands of decadence and sin, mired in confused…

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March 23, 2022
frozen credit card

Kerby Anderson Economists have debated this question for centuries: What is money? Most of us assume that money is a store of value. You put money in the bank, and you can draw that money out when you need it. Money also is a medium of exchange. You give dollars to someone for the goods and services you need. But what if your government, or another government, declares that your money is no longer worth anything and can no longer…

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March 22, 2022
U.S. Army Paratroopers assigned to Third Brigade Combat, 82nd Airborne Division

Kerby Anderson Kevin Williamson recently asked a good question: Are we at war? At first glance the answer seems simple. The US is not at war with Russia. We haven’t declared war on Russia even if we are indirectly involved by providing military hardware. But consider the fact that few Americans thought we were at war with radical Islam until the attack on 9/11. These radical Muslim leaders were at war with us even as our leaders and the country…

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March 21, 2022
Putin Speaks - threatens Ukraine

Kerby Anderson One lesson we should learn from history is that we should believe what dictators say. I don’t mean that we should believe all the propaganda they and their governments spew. But I do mean that if a dictator says he will attack a country, we should believe it. The editors of the Wall Street Journal put it this way: “Take autocrats literally and seriously when they tell us what they intend to do.” They say we really shouldn’t…

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March 18, 2022

Penna Dexter Bob Chapek, CEO of the Walt Disney Company had a bad week recently. Unlike his predecessor, Robert Iger, he prefers to stay out of politics. What happened last week shows how difficult that can be in the current woke corporate environment. Disney’s most famous property is in Florida and Bob Chapek didn’t mean to get in a public fight with the state’s Governor Ron DeSantis. But it happened. Florida’s legislators passed a popular bill that prohibits classroom instruction…

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March 18, 2022
Cyber Attack

Kerby Anderson In the 21st century, warfare doesn’t always happen on the battlefield. Cyberwarfare is becoming an important tool for many countries. That is why we have been seeing warnings about cyberattacks against the West and the US. With US sanctions being used against Russia, Professor Ryan Wright (University of Virginia) predicts that “it is only a matter of time until the US is targeted more directly. This may mean attacks on your personal device through ransomware but also attacks…

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March 17, 2022
waving American flag

Kerby Anderson In a recent essay, Lathan Watts talks about the value of free expression. He begins with a discussion of religious liberty, since he is a lawyer with First Liberty Institute. He quickly explains that freedom of expression involves much more than religious free speech. His organization has seen these situations. A baker can lose her business because of her religious convictions about marriage. A football coach can be fired for kneeling in silent prayer at the end of…

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March 16, 2022
Soviet-invasion-of-Afghanistan - downed helicopter

Kerby Anderson Why did Vladimir Putin decide to invade Ukraine? There are many reasons. One that is often ignored is the Afghanistan humiliation. The American military doesn’t want to mention it. They are responsible for much of it. The establishment press doesn’t really talk about it. That is old news and the focus is always on the present. In an ideal world, the American military is supposed to act as a deterrent. Dictators and terrorists should think twice before challenging…

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March 15, 2022
Police bubble on college campus

Kerby Anderson College students have been convinced they face danger everywhere. A comment becomes a microaggression. A name on a university building is a link to the country’s racist past. But the greatest threat is a student without a mask. A recent column talks about how danger has become “the woke weapon on campus.” University restrictions due to the pandemic have essentially become institutionalized. Now that some of the restrictions are being lifted in many parts of the country, administrators,…

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March 14, 2022
USA - Canada Flag

Kerby Anderson As I have been out speaking, one question surfaces with some regularity. People wonder if what happened to the truckers in Canada could happen to citizens in the US. I always acknowledge that anything can happen in this country if we aren’t working to defend our liberties, but there is an important difference between these two countries. We share a great number of similarities in our language and even in our legal and political structure. Although there is…

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