Recent Viewpoints

September 10, 2021
COVID Death Rate by State

Kerby Anderson If you look at some of the COVID numbers, you will find that the statistics defy the spin placed on it by politicians and the media. That’s the argument that Charles Cooke uses in his latest commentary. All you need to do is look at the chart linked to my commentary to see that any spin by Democrats or Republicans or media personalities is wrong. His opening statement is also his conclusion. “Two presidents. Fifty states. One-hundred-and-ninety-five countries….

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September 9, 2021
Christian School Students

Kerby Anderson A recent article based on a Herzog Foundation survey concluded that Christian schools vastly outperformed public schools. That shouldn’t be too surprising since students in Christian schools usually outperform students in public schools. But a closer look at the survey showed the results were measuring parental satisfaction rather than student performance. We have had more than a year of lockdowns and online education. A month ago, I quoted from a report from McKinsey & Co. that discovered that…

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September 8, 2021
Voter Fraud graphic

Kerby Anderson Once several Democrats returned to the state legislature, Texas was able to pass an election reform bill. A recent commentary by Dr. Merrill Matthews lays out some facts about election fraud. One problem is the deceptive way the media covers the issue. Reporters and TV anchors will say there is no evidence of “widespread voter fraud.” That’s not the issue. I have heard everyone from Rush Limbaugh to Barack Obama express doubt there is widespread voter fraud. Instead,…

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September 7, 2021
global covid map

Kerby Anderson President Biden’s intelligence community finished its investigation into the origins of the virus from China. As most of us suspected when the investigation was announced, the government report was “inconclusive.” To be precise, one agency did believe the virus originated in the Wuhan Institute for Virology, while two other agencies believe the virus originated in animals. Thaddeus McCotter reminds us, “This outcome was foreshadowed at the start by a statement from the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines:…

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September 6, 2021
man working outdoors with laptop

Kerby Anderson Today is Labor Day. Although this day was set aside to honor trade and labor organizations, I believe it is a day when Christians can also consider how they view work and labor. The Bible has quite a bit to say about how we are to view work, and so I devote part of a chapter in my book, Making the Most of Your Money, to a biblical view of work. First, we are to work unto the Lord in…

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September 3, 2021
Mental disorder - girl w broken mirror

Penna Dexter Who could miss the disturbing shift in how our society deals with gender confusion in young people? The consensus once was that it’s best to give children time for gender dysphoria to pass and — if it persists — to help them with their pain. Now medical professionals routinely agree with and affirm trans-identifying adolescents, allowing them to self-diagnose, and providing them with gender-bending drugs and surgeries. There are voices of caution and reason. The American College of…

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September 3, 2021

Kerby Anderson Twenty years ago, a Democratic senator writing in the Washington Post criticized President George W. Bush for saying the US would do “whatever it took” to defend Taiwan. That senator is now our president. Joe Biden might have changed his mind since 2001. He certainly has changed his mind on other topics. China is different in 2021 than it was in 2001. Back then, the focus was on trying to bring China into the community of nations. Today…

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September 2, 2021
LGBTQ gay flag march

Kerby Anderson Everyone has a bias because everyone has a worldview. But it is worth evaluating bias in others and in ourselves. Rob Jenkins provides an overview of certain forms of bias and provides examples of left-wing bias. He acknowledges that conservatives have bias, but finds that most of the examples of bias today come from one political viewpoint. Attention bias comes from choosing which information to prioritize. The example he uses focuses on the cries of “police brutality” that…

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September 1, 2021
Wall Street march to make billionaires pay their fair share

Kerby Anderson Yesterday I talked about envy and the irony of politicians using it to advance their progressive agenda. Today I would like to extend this discussion based on some of the insights from Anne Hendershott who writes about this in her essay and book. First, let’s distinguish the difference between greed and envy. In so many cases, people who are greedy may ruin their lives but not necessarily the lives of others. By contrast, envy can contaminate many more…

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August 31, 2021
Bernie and his supporters

Kerby Anderson Years ago, I decided to put together a sermon that dealt with the subject of envy. I wasn’t sure I had ever heard a message on envy, even though it is considered one of the seven deadly sins. To be fair, I have heard messages on coveting, which is after all one of the Ten Commandments. Envy isn’t just a biblical subject. Envy is also a political subject. A quarter century ago, Doug Bandow (Cato Institute) wrote his…

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August 30, 2021
Biden Afghanistan press-conference - east room

Kerby Anderson American presidents often confront this painful lesson: They may have political plans but those plans often crash into political reality. This week was supposed to be the final orderly withdrawal of US troops and civilians from Afghanistan. Next month, Congress was to pass the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. At least that was the plan. It is too early to tell how the debacle in Afghanistan will affect the Biden administration’s legislative goals. What is happening in Afghanistan might…

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