Kerby Anderson Each day we use some form of money, but we rarely think about the key attributes of money that make it work in our daily financial transactions. In my booklet on a Biblical View of Money, I explain that scarcity is one of the most important aspects of money as a medium of exchange. We can see this by looking at other forms of money used in the past. Money originally took the form of stones, beads, and…

Recent Viewpoints
Kerby Anderson We all want the pandemic to end. But hoping that it will end and predicting that it will end once everyone is vaccinated is something very different. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but COVID-19 isn’t going away whether all Americans are vaccinated or not. Most scientists believe that this coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) will become an endemic virus. That would mean that it would continue to circulate in the global population for years to come. The…
Kerby Anderson It’s becoming more and more difficult to keep track of every crisis in America. We have an immigration crisis on our border. We have had a crisis of getting Americans and others out of Afghanistan. We have a drug crisis and a mental health crisis. Racial tensions and a rising suicide rate are just a few examples. You might assume that President Biden wouldn’t want to call anything else happening a crisis. But earlier this month he used…
Kerby Anderson Professor Peter Boghossian is no longer a professor of philosophy at Portland State University. He is a liberal and is guilty of speaking out against the illiberal university. The more he did so, the more he faced retaliation and finally had to resign. You can read his full story here. Although he and I would probably disagree about many topics, I would have enjoyed engaging in the conversation with him in the classroom. Although I have spoken in…
Penna Dexter It was a shocking overreach when the president instructed the Labor Department to mandate that businesses with over 100 employees require that those employees receive Covid-19 vaccines or be subject to regular Covid testing. Penalties could hit $14,000 per violation. Medical providers that accept Medicare or Medicaid, and federal workers are also required to be vaccinated with no testing alternative. A vaccine mandate ignores the fact that millions of Americans have recovered from Covid and carry immunity —…
Kerby Anderson There are many modern conveniences we take for granted. Near the top of that list is light. To be more precise, we take for granted artificial light, except when our lights go out. But light as a product illustrates the benefits of modern technology. A story in Human Progress explains how “light has turned from something too precious to use into something everyone can afford.” It used to take 10 hours a day for six days to produce…
Kerby Anderson Political correctness has been around for decades. But Victor Davis Hanson wonders if it is often used to mask failures in business and government. We certainly have seen major institutions over the last two years go woke. The leaders spend a great deal of time sermonizing and virtue signaling, perhaps to distract from their failures. He calls that the “Bloomberg effect.” The city of New York has difficulty clearing snow from the streets. Perhaps that is why the…
Kerby Anderson The last bastion of common sense and traditional values has been the military. But we are hearing some disturbing comments from several US generals and others in the upper echelon of the military. One of the guests on my radio program suggested that military leaders might not advance above the rank of lieutenant colonel unless they embraced the new woke mindset of the Pentagon. That may or may not be true, but it might explain why we are…
Kerby Anderson Rod Dreher has been writing about the plight of Princeton professor Joshua Katz, who has been attacked by students, faculty, and administration over his public dissent of attempts to give additional benefits to Princeton faculty of color (additional salary, sabbatical semesters). Dreher, as you may remember, is the author of the book, Live Not by Lies, which describes the similarity of Communist countries that attacked anyone who engaged in dissent from the totalitarian orthodoxy. That was what he…
Kerby Anderson Abortion is back in the news for a variety of reasons. This fall, the Supreme Court will hear the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization based on the Mississippi pro-life bill. Also, the Texas legislature passed a “heartbeat bill” that became law. And Nancy Pelosi announced that the US House of Representatives will vote on the “Women’s Health Protection Act” attempting to enshrine abortion law. Many of us feel like we have been here before. In…
Penna Dexter Once in a while, a law is enacted that shocks us in the way it illuminates the difference between good and evil. This happened on September 1st when Texas’s new “Heartbeat Law” went into effect. Here’s what conservative writer and podcaster Matt Walsh said about it. “If you have ever had any doubts about which is the bad side in the culture war, this week ought to clear up your confusion. Leftists are mad — screamingly, deliriously mad…