Trump at NRB

Penna Dexter Last week thousands of Christians gathered in Nashville for the National Religious Broadcasters Convention. The NRB was formed in the early years of radio broadcasting, when evangelical broadcasters, who were faithfully proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, built radio audiences in the millions. This threatened liberal mainline denominations who wanted a ban on religious broadcasting that was not…

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Listen to Them

Penna Dexter President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu are speaking by phone lately. A major topic of the calls is the clearing out of Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city, a military necessity in order to dismantle Hamas. President Biden is making demands about hostages and civilian protections. Prime Minister Netanyahu has publicly criticized “recent talk about forcing a Palestinian state…

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Requiring “Affirming” Care

Penna Dexter Washington state has some of the nation’s most progressive laws regarding teen gender transitions. This became a problem for Puget Sound therapist Tamara Pietzke. She was employed for six years by MultiCare, one of Washington’s largest hospital systems. In a piece for The Free Press, she expresses her growing concern at being required to “approve all teen gender…

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Pushing “PAUSE”

Penna Dexter Members of the medical and psychological communities who advocate gender transition as a treatment for disturbed young people start them on puberty blockers as the first medical step. This sounds drastic — and permanent. But the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) publicly claims the effects of these drugs are “fully reversible.” Some of those folks know…

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Drag Queen Revolution

Penna Dexter There are better ways to encourage literacy among children than exposing them to male transvestites at Drag Queen Story Hours. Drag Queen Story Hours feature flamboyant drag queens reading stories to children mostly in libraries, schools, bookstores, and sometimes bars. One parent says these performances expose kids to “beautiful people.” Gender queer academic Harris Kornstein said, “Drag queens…

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An Argentinian Capitalist

Penna Dexter Argentina’s new president, Javier Milei delivered a warning to business and political leaders gathered last week at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Through a translator, he told an audience of global elites: “the Western world is in danger,” and he didn’t mean from climate change. He explained that those whose responsibility it is “to defend the…

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Military Recruitment

Penna Dexter There’s no satisfactory explanation for the recent actions of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in keeping his cancer surgery — and his subsequent, extended hospitalization — secret from his staff and the White House.  The Administration insists this was simply a lapse in judgment, but it’s an unforgivable breach of protocol. Even more disturbing are the growing recruitment…

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Wasting Our Money

Penna Dexter In an election year, the economy takes on heightened importance in voters’ thinking. A good question to ask is: are my elected officials wasting my money? Are they using taxpayer dollars responsibly? David Ditch at The Daily Signal, tries to answer that question at least as it pertains to the current administration’s “4 worst wastes of 2023.” Waste…

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Prayer for 2024

Penna Dexter As we begin 2024, I want to offer a New Year’s prayer for our country. But frankly, it seems a little presumptuous to ask God’s blessing on this nation. In boardrooms, in some states, and in the federal government, leaders are enacting rules and laws that force people to treat men as women and women as men. Other…

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Lost Consensus

Penna Dexter As 2023 ends, we see less evidence than ever of the Christian consensus that used to exist in the United States. Not that we were a “Christian nation.”  But norms existed — I guess you could call them family values — that, although not practiced by everyone, were at least considered good and true. All of that is…

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Depopulation Memo

Penna Dexter We rarely connect the dots between feminism and our current societal woes. But political commentator and activist, Matt Walsh does so on a regular basis. During a recent episode of his podcast on The Daily Wire, he described in detail a memo drafted in 1969 by Frederick Jaffe who was then a vice president of Planned Parenthood. The…

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