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The Republican field for 2016 is deep and diverse. Democrats, on the other hand, find themselves in the position Republicans were in 1996 and 2008 – with no heir apparent, no standard bearer, settling for someone willing to run.

Hillary Clinton is “inevitable,” unless she collapses under her own weight, but she’s the least inspiring candidate since Bob Dole. Dole is a fine man with a compelling story, but he was an uninspiring candidate. Hillary doesn’t even have the compelling personal story going for her.

That heightens the importance of the GOP primary fight.

The best thing Hillary has going for her is her gender. She has no accomplishments to speak of, no record to run on. The “reset” with Russia was an unmitigated failure, and she was so undistinguished in her foreign policy acumen that President Obama bypassed her on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and appointed former Sen. George Mitchell as his “Special Envoy for Middle East Peace,” rendering her irrelevant on the issue. Read_More_button

Source: Derek Hunter, www.townhall.com