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On The Brink

USA flag people holding hands

On the eve of Election Day, we stand on the brink of major potential change. In cities, counties, and states around America, things will be changing. New people will be elected to public office, many perhaps for the first time. 

But there is one election top of mind for most of us, and that’s the presidential election. It’s possible that we won’t know the outcome of the election for days, perhaps even weeks, after the election. There is also the threat of violence by those that may not like the outcome. Whatever happens, there is bound to be controversy and the next few weeks could be difficult. 

But our God never changes, even when our political situations here on earth are up in the air. He does care about what happens here in America. So let’s pray to Him now — and continuously in the coming days. 

Pray for His will to prevail in this election.

Pray for the protection of our freedoms. 

Pray for our nation’s safety.

Pray for peace. 

And, if major change is indeed before us, pray for His people to meet it boldly as we trust in the Lord. 

Thank you for being our faithful prayer partners at the most crucial moments for our nation.

God bless America,

Kerby Anderson, Host

Point of View