When Joe Biden claimed that his “Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars,” the Washington Post gave him Two Pinocchios.
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – November 15, 2021 Americans like to be first—in Olympic gold medals, for example—but maybe not in this category: If the $4 trillion House spending bill passes, the U.S. will have the highest combined federal and state personal income tax rate in the developed world. The Tax Foundation recently compared the combined tax rates…
Joe Biden, members of his administration, and congressional Democrats lied to you. Source: Build Back Better Bill: The CBO Confirms Joe Biden Lied | National Review
By: Hugh Hewitt – washingtonpost.com – November 14, 2021 National Review remains conservatism’s “must read” magazine. It has worked its way back from its “Against Trump” editorial of Jan. 22, 2016 — and the special issue devoted to the same — to its new special issue “End Roe.” The magazine has done so while calmly adopting the appropriate point-of-view about the former president:…
Yes, this meeting of Biden and Francis is a teaching moment, but not with the message Biden intended.
The White House is planning a big ceremony on Monday for President Joe Biden’s signing of the $1 trillion infrastructure bill Monday with Republican lawmakers.
After closing arguments get underway, jurors will begin deliberating in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial.
Are conservative Christians prone to politicizing their faith, conflating Republican Party politics with biblical fidelity?
Marriage is declining quickly in the United States, especially among lower-income Americans. What’s worse, this “family polarization” by income seems to have deepened since the pandemic began last year, according to our new report. Needless to say, money plays a critical role in this marriage divide. But if you ask individual Americans on the marriage market today why they are not married, surprisingly,…
Texas’ six-week abortion ban raised enough eyebrows at the Supreme Court on Monday to suggest the justices may reject the attempt to avoid federal court oversight by handing off enforcement to private citizens.