By: Peter Wolfgang – – March 22, 2020 It was 1978. I was eight years old. A second grader in Manchester, CT. My grandmother took me into downtown Hartford, because she wanted me to see the Hartford Civic Center. Not an interesting building to look at. No historical significance. Just a big building that hosted big events. The roof…

By: Matthew Continetti – – March 20, 2020 A few months after September 11, 2001, David Brooks went back and looked at coverage of Pearl Harbor for an article in the Weekly Standard (“After Pearl Harbor,” December 10, 2001). What he saw intrigued him. A sense of unity and patriotism followed both surprise attacks. But media after Pearl Harbor had none…
By: Joel C. Rosenberg – – March 19, 2020 As you might have guessed, the book tour has unraveled. I was supposed to speak in Florida tonight and tomorrow but all events have, of course, been canceled. That said, I’m doing TV and radio interviews about The Jerusalem Assassin, as well as about the coronavirus pandemic and its implications for…
By: Joel C. Rosenberg – – March 19, 2020 As you might have guessed, the book tour has unraveled. I was supposed to speak in Florida tonight and tomorrow but all events have, of course, been canceled. That said, I’m doing TV and radio interviews about The Jerusalem Assassin, as well as about the coronavirus pandemic and its implications for…
By: Hannah Bleau – – March 18, 2020 Millions of Americans across the country are, day by day, adjusting their lives to better cope with the economic, social, and political impacts caused by the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, as a dark money network simultaneously works overtime to further politicize the festering crisis. A Democrat-aligned Super PAC announced on Tuesday that it…
By: Susie Moore – – March 19, 2020 One of the byproducts of life in the time of COVID-19 is the faces of the Trump administration — particularly those involved in a health/human services capacity — becoming more familiar to the American people. With daily press conferences and officials doing their best to inform and update the public, we’re seeing/hearing a…
By: Justin Fox – – March 19, 2020 Remember a week and a half ago when CNBC’s Rick Santelli said that “maybe we’d just be better off” if we just infected everybody with the coronavirus now? His reasoning: Then in a month it would be over because the mortality rate of this probably isn’t going to be any different if…
By: Neil MacFarquhar – – March 16, 2020 Government-imposed quarantines were fairly common in ancient times, before medicine stemmed the ferocity with which contagious diseases spread. The very word quarantine is rooted in the Italian words quarantenara and quaranta giorni, or 40 days, the period of time that the city of Venice forced ship passengers and cargo to wait before…
By: Sam Dorman – – March 19, 2020 Twitter declined Thursday to flag an ad criticizing President Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic as Democrat groups continue to press the issue ahead of the November election. The Trump campaign alleges that the ad replayed Trump saying the coronavirus was Democrats’ latest “hoax” without supplying the proper context. Twitter reportedly refused the campaign’s request to…
By: Sam Dorman – – March 19, 2020 Twitter declined Thursday to flag an ad criticizing President Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic as Democrat groups continue to press the issue ahead of the November election. The Trump campaign alleges that the ad replayed Trump saying the coronavirus was Democrats’ latest “hoax” without supplying the proper context. Twitter reportedly refused the campaign’s request to…
By: Larry O’Connor – – March 17, 2020 “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” It’s an oft-repeated quote from Democratic politician Rahm Emanuel. It was November of 2008 when Barack Obama had just won the presidential election in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. People often forget the second part of the former Obama Chief of…